Federal safety officials have added, through mid-April, 21 new construction-industry cases to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Severe Violators Enforcement Program, according to a tabulation made by ENR.

关于60% of the 520 or so companies that OSHA has placed in the program are construction-related, reports Business Insurance, an industry publication. Listing in the program subjects employers to stepped-up inspections and enforcement. OSHA also issues critical press releases about the companies in the program, a practice some employer attorneys have described as public shamings.

Most are local or regional players, though some are well-known industry employers with years of successful work.

位于威斯康星州的伦达建筑公司(Lunda Construction Co.)最近三年来第二次登陆了OSHA的严重违规者名单。今年早些时候,OSHA以105,000美元的罚款额为伦达(Lunda),这是一场故意的和五项严重违反的罚款,这是由于去年9月的一次事故而造成的。


Another company that appears on the list is Flintlock Construction Services, a New York City-based general contractor that specializes in hotels and apartments. OSHA cited Flintlock in 2013 and again cited the company last year, following a complaint and inspection. Agency records show that Flintlock is contesting those proposed fines, but company officials could not be reached for comment.

自2010年以来OSHA launched the “severe violators” program,它继承了以前的计划,该计划被认为是与反复违规者打交道的未能处理的 - 该机构扩大了受该计划加强检查的雇主数量和类型。

In addition to general contractors and construction managers, various types of specialty contractors are in the program, including steel erectors, tower erectors and roofing contractors.

OSHA has targeted Maine-based Lessard Brothers Construction for alleged repeat safety violations, including several related to fall protection.

The 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston has held Lessard in contempt for failing to pay the fines; in January, the court rejected a petition for a rehearing. In February, the court entered the judgment as a mandate, according to Ted Fitzgerald, spokesman for OSHA’s New England regional office. The U.S. Labor Dept.’s top lawyer is now reviewing the case and “determining the next appropriate steps,” the department notes in a press statement.

同时,早在2015年1月,OSHA袭击了Lessard Brothers Construction,并因未能为工人提供秋季保护而额外罚款287,000美元。无法联系公司的校长发表评论。