
Engineers are often required to put their livelihoods on the line to uphold that principle, and an engineering license should provide the “moral muscle,” as one engineer has written, to do so. But a license by itself doesn’t guarantee moral bravery.

在Flint, Mich., two licensed state engineers are among the three individuals—the other is a city of Flint water treatment official—whom the state attorney general has charged with crimes related to alleged knowledge of over-the-limit drinking-water lead levels.


The state attorney general has charged the two state engineers, both employees of the Michigan Dept. of Environmental Quality, with misdemeanors and felonies that range from misconduct in office to violations of the state Safe Drinking Water Act.

针对它们的指控包括未能在切换到弗林特河作为水源的弗林特水处理厂的最佳腐蚀控制厂;操纵收集的水样以确定铅水平;并掩盖或篡改铅问题的证据,包括美国环境保护局科学家Miguel del Toral提供的信息。此外,德尔·托拉尔(Del Toral)警告州和联邦官员在保证水安全时不一致。


correspondence between the state agency and the EPA regional office,德尔·托拉尔(Del Toral)关于腐蚀控制的问题是由另一位EPA员工在2015年2月26日的电子邮件中传达给了两位州工程师的电子邮件,该电子邮件表示:“ Miguel想知道Flint是否正在喂养磷酸盐。火石必须具有最佳的腐蚀控制处理 - 是IT磷酸盐吗?”

however, it remains to be determined whether the error was intentional or accidental and whether the engineers are at fault.
