


Flow is like a traffic jam. All the cars can fit on the road and if we had the discipline to set cruise control to 45 mph we’d travel together in a nice, steady flow. Instead, some of us try to go a little faster just to stop a few seconds later. The starts and stops trickle through the line of cars like a slinky toy, exponentially disrupting the flow and slowing everyone to a crawl. In construction, the same is true, with different trades having different installation speeds, causing disruption to the overall flow and forcing crews to jump around to stay busy.




标准时间和定义的地区提供的n次方eeded stability in the production schedule to successfully integrate the entire supply chain. The true strength of the system is the physical areas that the entire supply chain can align to and organize around. Once these areas are established, the modeling and shop drawing efforts need to follow the same areas and order of installation to properly align. Fabrication, kitting, labeling and delivery must ultimately also follow the same areas to bring the material on site as needed, when needed, and to the pull of field installation.

Production Systems as a Train

Sites must see the production system as a train, where the track is the area sequences the crews will follow. Every train car is one discipline and the lead car sets the speed. Every car is loaded with the material needed for that discipline only and all cars move together from start to finish.


“The development of the train cars and standard rhythm allows contractors to be extremely focused, finishing one area at a time,” says Matt Davenport, plumbing helmsman in Union City, Calif. “It also creates a transparent and simple alignment of expectations. The clear handoffs and overall flow and 3D modeling allow us to take our production to the next level and to focus on getting our pre-fabrication and installation work done rather than engaging in complex scheduling and coordination efforts.”





Join us in embracing the underlying principles of lean and Takt Time planning to realize our industry’s true potential.

Klas Berghede is a senior production manager in San Francisco, Calif.