
Our industry faces an issue that, if not immediately confronted, could lead to its ultimate ruin. Even though the lack of craft and project-level labor is the No. 1 issue in the construction industry, little is being done to address it.


While there are initiatives underway to address this issue, the real problem is that these efforts are fragmented across individual associations and independent companies. At the heart of the problem is self-interest—everyone is worried about their own market share, and union and non-union associations are hesitant to work together.




Future generations are largely unaware of the abundance of opportunities that the construction industry offers. Unfortunately, millennials have grown up in a society that portrays a college education as the only path to success.



The proposed industrywide workforce summit could lead to a marketing and social-media campaign to promote the various employment opportunities available in construction, including for work in the trades or as an estimator or providing site-level leadership as a foreman, superintendent or project manager. By giving industry stakeholders equal representation and enabling the target audience to decide what it wants to pursue, the campaign could provide a central source of information that helps students and others to decide if they want to be an electrician or an ironworker. It also could give them an overview of all the skilled trades.


I can think of no initiative more important for the future of the construction industry. If someone has other ideas, we should all be eager to hear them. But, as an industry, we need to stop wringing our hands about the problem and do something—together!

If not now, when?