建筑管理先驱约翰·蒂斯曼(John Tishman)于2月6日死于长期病后90岁。He managed the construction of the original 110-story World Trade Center twin towers in New York City and the 100-story John Hancock Center in Chicago, as well as Century City in Los Angeles, Walt Disney’s EPCOT Center in Florida and the restoration of Carnegie Hall.

约翰(John)是朱利叶斯·蒂斯曼(Julius Tishman)的孙子,他于1898年创立了蒂斯曼(Tishman)房地产公司(Tishman Realty&Construction Co. Inc.)。多年来,该公司专门建造了自己的建筑物。在60年代后期,约翰说服这个家庭可能会有很大的机会使其经验丰富的员工为客户提供协商费用的项目管理项目。新利18备用网址它得到了回报:“每次我们有一个具有挑战性的项目时,都会提高我们的项目人员的才能,”新利18备用

It was also good business. The firm went through many corporate evolutions, growing to $1 billion in annual revenue when it was acquired by AECOM in 2010 (ENR 8/2/10 p. 10). Daniel R. Tishman, John’s son, said he decided to sell the well-known company to give it deeper financial resources and global reach. He became a member of the board of AECOM.

Charles DeBenedittis, a 25-year veteran of Tishman Realty and retired partner at developer Tishman Speyer, remembers John Tishman as “an innovator. His innovative thinking and ability to promote new things was really unusual.” He created the Tishman Research Corp. to develop new products, materials and methods. Manufacturers such as Johns Manville, U.S. Gypsum, Otis and others “shared ideas that were not yet in the market, and we tried new products and materials in our projects,” says DeBenedittis. At the original World Trade Center, for example, the firm helped develop drywall construction methods and automatic lighting.

Tishman是美国建筑管理协会的会员,CMAA总裁兼首席执行官Bruce D’Agostino说,Tishman“果断,开放的思想和对所有者的利益的承诺为我们的职业价值观体现了体现。”


D’Agostino also points to a passage in Tishman’s memoirBuilding Tall, where he looked back on his career of more than half a century and reflected:

“有了非常有才华和忠诚的同事的祝福,我从来没有回避过抓住机会……这使我们的公司有可能取得我认为我最大的成就,协调和监督大型建筑项目的方法的转变,提升新利18备用网址what had been a master tradesman’s craft to being the profession of construction management, a discipline now taught in hundreds of universities, and practiced on just about every major construction project throughout the world.”