
无缝的多莉在崎rough的地形建筑工地上移动。像全尺寸的直升机一样飞过站点,以捕获装载卡车的过程。我迷上了。我在YouTube上向当时的雇主展示了一些录像,他让我继续尝试,以我自己的费用。两个DJI Phantom 1之后 - 一个仍然坐在Chesapeake湾的底部,并附上了Go Pro,我的价格为1,700美元。幻影1显示承诺远非完美。GPS信号是毫无疑问的,静态的GoPro安装座断断续续,控制飞行的能力就像试图用一只桨在波涛汹涌的海洋中划船。GydF4y2Ba

I put the idea of flying a drone on hold until technology was ready for me.

2015年,我在中西部进行了为期四年的摄影探险之后,回到了波士顿,并与最近成立但成长中的拆除公司成为了初级安全顾问和现场摄影师的新职位。我已经看到了DJI新的Phantom 3专业人士的镜头,并认为也许是时候让我再次熟悉这个惊人的平台了。我问主人是否曾经考虑过无人机,到了周末,他们拥有了一个新单位。GydF4y2Ba

Phantom 3专业人士是我所有视频和航空摄影需求的选择工具。我的gopros休眠了,只有4个月的时间才出来一次。能够在几分钟内部署该设备,飞越站点,选择有利位置并放开控件的能力,而该单元徘徊在完全静止的情况下是令人难以置信的。我首次拍摄的项目之一是在波士顿南新利18备用网址端选择性拆除1880年的教堂。我们的任务是卸下屋顶和内部结构。无人机在4次上支付了10次GydF4y2BaThGydF4y2Ba当我能够从完全无法接近的区域提供内部结构的录像和静止状态时,飞行时。无价。我梦dream以求的每一个视图,有利位置和电影摄像头动作都是这种非凡的设备都是可能的。GydF4y2Ba


There were actions happening inside the shell of the church and the outside simultaneously. Understanding and seeing three-dimensional space is a priceless commodity from the air. Seamless transitions were made possible by the fact that there were no windows in the walls nor a roof to impede vision. I looked at the site and what was happening and made a mental ‘shot list’ of the story I wanted to tell. I walked through the site and around the building with my still camera and envisioned the process, making a flight path as I walked through the space. I went to the basement to see the excavator tearing out the floor and the skidsteer moving material. Outside a truck was being loaded with debris and the high reach excavator was being used to move material from the edge of the outside wall into piles. I began to storyboard in my head, thinking of what I wanted to story to say using the quadcopter to help define three-dimension space. It is an immersive experience. One of my biggest challenges of shooting this video was to fly through an open window in the rear parking lot area and into the open inner space of the church. I had seen it done but never tried it. A hair raising experience I trusted technology and my vision and that became my second shot to get the viewer into the building. While my list of shots I wanted to obtain didn’t happen in the order I envisioned them I went through the process to capture everything I needed to tell the story of the process. Human scale was important in this situation and while most of the action was at ground level I was able to capture a laborer in a man-lift performing cleanup of the church’s inner walls. One of the most important aspects of telling a video or photographic story in construction or demolition is how each individual has a task that all works toward the end result. Identifying the key characters and showing what they accomplished was paramount in my short 1 minute and 51 second story.https://vimeo.com/150710036GydF4y2Ba


Stephen Setteducati是一位屡获殊荣的摄影师,他专门从事建筑和拆除,并居住在新罕布什尔州。GydF4y2Bawww.theprojectphotographer.comGydF4y2Ba,在Twitter上的Demophotog,GydF4y2BaTheDemophotoGydF4y2BaGGydF4y2Ba在Instagram上。GydF4y2Ba