马克·H·麦卡勒姆(Mark H. McCallum)
马克·H·麦卡勒姆(Mark H. McCallum)

All the words spoken by Mark H. McCallum about surety bonds could fill a library.

His views cover the treatment of surety in federal contract forms, bonding assistance for small contractors and state-level bills that permitted unregulated individual surety markets. Few people outside the world of surety bonds and construction feel the same intense affection for those subjects.






The officers of NASBP are appreciative. Howard Cowan, president of the Cowan-Hill Bond Agency, Lubbock, Texas, praises McCallum’s “hard work,” “professionalism” and help in raising NASBP’s overall effectiveness.

Brian Perlberg, senior counsel for contracts of the Associated General Contractors, says, “Mark’s the kind of person who makes a statement or insightful comment nobody thought of that brings an insightful, fresh perspective.”

关于the reform passed by Congress, a colleague adds, “It never would have happened without Mark.”

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