格雷姆·琼斯(Graeme Jones)
格雷姆·琼斯(Graeme Jones)

A growing number of steel-frame structures are using a new carbon-fiber-reinforced geopolymer mortar for cathodic protection (CP). The conductive mortar helps to carry an electrical current through the building’s frame, guarding against corrosion.

一个新的设施由吨的砂浆生产。“我们在英格兰西北部建立了一个新的地球聚合物生产设施,将生产能力从100千克的实验批次量增加到每天10吨,” C-Probe Systems Ltd.,Altrincham,Altrincham,Altrincham的总经理Graeme Jones说。英国。

Jones developed the mortar with the help of Mott MacDonald and Sheffield Hallam University, Yorkshire. Mixing carbon fibers with an alkali-activated cementitious binder, or geopolymer, amplifies the mortar’s conductivity, says Jones. It has the side benefit of reducing shrinkage problems, which means that repairs—such as repointing—last longer than those done using conventional mortar.

ENR's Top 25 Newsmakers IconBecause of the carbon fibers, the geopolymer is less susceptible to thermal and chemically induced damage than portland cement,” says Jones’ co-developer, Paul Lambert, Mott MacDonald head of materials and corrosion technology, and a visiting professor at the Centre for Infrastructure Management at Sheffield

Hallam University. The mortar is also environmentally friendly, notes Lambert, adding, “The carbon fibers are from recycled sources.”



The mortar has won awards from Fiatech, the International Concrete Repair Institute and the Leeds Sustainability Institute. The company is preparing to launch the product in other markets and for other uses, such as extending infrastructure longevity and as a seismic-damage protector and a fire-resistant anode.
