三年前,建筑业是春天杜安(Chunjie Duan)的最后一件事。

As a scientist at the Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories in Cambridge, Mass., Duan was in pure research, developing standards for low data rate transmission over ultra-wideband frequencies for precision location finding. He was working with radio chips that measure the distance between one chip and another, even when the chips are indoors and separated by walls.

Chunjie   Duan
Chunjie Duan

然后,Duan将其描述为他刚认识的建筑技术开发人员。“他说,‘这可以用于建筑!’ - 这就是我了解建筑行业的方式。”

介绍飞行了,Duan帮助推出了Redpoint Positing Inc.,这是一家公司,该公司建立在标签中的芯片上进行危险区域映射,并在工作地点和室内地点进行人员跟踪。

ENR's Top 25 Newsmakers Icon在Redpoint,Duan是首席技术官。“我领导研发小组,我们只是将头埋在实验室中。其他研究员负责业务发展。”他说。

研发组已经有六项专利和申请。Duan说:“我们开发了独特的定位算法以及如何提供大量标签提供此位置服务的计划,因此它们不会彼此干扰。”“标签自动形成网络网络。我们开发了专有协议,位置方案,硬件和用户界面。它具有开放的API [应用程序编程界面],因此我们的合作伙伴可以在Redpoint的平台上开发自己的应用程序。”

Pilots are in progress with Skanska and Bechtel, among others. Tony Colonna, Skanska’s senior vice president for innovative construction solutions, says, “From a technology standpoint, I have no issues with the system, what it can do and what it is capable of,” Colonna says. “The experimentation now is really with the social aspect of it—how people are going to react to being tracked on the jobsite.”
