Benoit de RuffrayFollowing French media speculation, France’s third-largest contractor Eiffage named Benoît de Ruffray as chairman and CEO on Dec. 9, replacing Pierre Berger, who suffered a fatal heart attack on Oct. 23 at age 47. De Ruffray, 49, who takes over on Jan. 18, has been CEO of Soletanche Freyssinet, a unit of rival French contractor Vinci, since March. Berger also had been chief of a Vinci construction group when Eiffage founder Francois Roverato recruited him to that firm’s executive ranks in 2010. Named chairman and CEO in 2012, Berger was key to growth at Eiffage, which had $14.4 billion in 2014 revenue. De Ruffray also held several global executive roles at contractor Bouygues, including deputy CEO of its international building group.

安娜·斯图尔特安娜·斯图尔特, CEO of U.K. construction giant Laing O’Rourke Group, is leaving the post for unspecified health reasons but will remain at the firm in an undefined strategic support role, Ray O’Rourke, company founder and executive chairman, said on Dec. 9. He replaces Stewart, who had been CEO since 2013. The change comes as the firm faces more of the “challenging times” Stewart predicted in September, when the firm said that its European division lost $88.3 million in its latest year ending in March and that overall corporate revenue fell 13% to $5.86 billion, although Australia operations did well. U.K. publication Construction Enquirer speculated on Dec. 11 that a search by O’Rourke, 68, for a permanent successor “could turn into the hunt for a buyer.”

Jayathi MurthyJayathi Murthy于1月1日接任加州大学洛杉矶分校的亨利·塞缪尔工程和应用科学学院的院长。新利18备用她现在是德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校机械工程系的主席。在对加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)的在线采访中,她称这所学校为“公共ivies之一”,并表示其在太平洋地区和拉丁美洲附近的位置赋予了工程计划“巨大的优势”。

埃里克·斯滕曼(Eric Stenman)担当了巴尔弗·比蒂建筑公司(Balfour Beatty Construction)的首席运营官的额外角色,他仍然是承包商总部位于圣地亚哥的西部地区的首席执行官,涵盖了四个州和国家任务关键业务部门的负责人。


48岁的约翰·科西(John Corsi)是CH2M副总统,突然去世

约翰·科西48岁的约翰·T·科西(John T.死亡原因没有披露。Corsi指挥了65亿美元的全球通讯和公共事务策略。他还曾担任Kaiser-Hill Co.的传播总监,该公司的合资企业在1990年代管理了丹佛附近的落基岩平面前核武器生产地点的70亿美元关闭。丹佛邮报(Denver Post)对科西(Corsi)itu告的一名受访者说,他是丹佛(Denver)最有才华的传播专业人士之一。

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