当Enr 新利18备用Mountain State宣布丹佛律师吉恩指挥官将获得该杂志2015年科罗拉多州遗产奖的荣誉时,律师瑞安·沃伦(Ryan Warren)承诺在颁奖典礼上享有巨大的烤肉。指挥官只是微笑着告诉沃伦,“记住,我要继续你。”
The quip is emblematic of what people around the Denver office of law firm Polsinelli call “Gene-isms” and what Commander’s grown son and daughter refer to as “Dad-isms.”

Other examples: “That’s why they call it work.” And, “If it were easy, everybody would be doing it.”

An attorney for more than 35 years and the managing shareholder of Polsinelli’s Denver office from 2011 until his retirement in July, Commander is famous for working hard while displaying an affable nature that encourages people to come together on anything from untangling thorny disputes to developing downtown Denver. Although he has left Polsinelli, Commander isn’t retired from the world of work. He has hung out his own shingle as a professional mediator in a move he hopes will leave more time for personal and family pursuits while keeping him connected to the Denver legal and business communities.

It’s safe to say that Denver’s construction and development industries would look a lot different without Commander, whose enthusiastic participation in the local business scene has involved near-endless volunteer hours, including a one-year stint as chair of the Downtown Denver Partnership (DDP), an organization that has helped shape Denver’s skyline.

“He’s recognized as being one of the individuals who, through the years, has not just held a leadership position, but has been proactively engaged in really making things happen,” says Tami Door, DDP’s executive director. “Whether it’s advancing a policy issue, bringing other businesses to the table to be part of the conversation, raising funds or resources or addressing legal issues on behalf of the organization, he truly understands the projects, programs and events that we work on, and he gets in there and he gets things done.”

A key to Denver’s development has been Commander’s ability to help people see their common interests, says Michael Gifford, president and CEO of Associated General Contractors. “When you see all those cranes downtown, it’s a collaboration of a bunch of different interests that puts the region of Denver ahead of anyone’s individual interest,” Gifford says. “It’s people like Gene, saying, ‘Hey, we can do this, here’s where we can go, and here’s how we can do it.’”
指挥官为DDP努力开发丹佛的下城区(由库尔斯·菲尔德(Coors Field)和百事可乐中心(The Pepsi Center)预订的邻里,特别自豪。洛多(Lodo)仅在20年前就被废弃的建筑物和孤独的铁路场杂乱无章地变成了一个充满活力的餐馆,夜总会,公寓和办公室。它已经成为搬到丹佛的年轻人的磁铁。


Architectural Training Commander was a young man when he arrived in Denver in 1981. He had graduated with a degree in architecture in 1975 from Iowa State University, but layoffs at architecture and engineering firms persuaded him to attend law school at the University of Iowa. Nonetheless, his continuing love of architecture led him into construction law, where he says his understanding of technical issues has provided a “unique perspective” in resolving disputes.


Says Warren, “I know that Gene values significantly the idea of getting a dispute resolved ahead of time through the mediation process rather than have all the parties spend so much money on litigation. I think he takes significant pride in being able to get folks to a resolution on a sticky problem.”
A central goal in Commander’s new post-Polsinelli venture is staying close to the regional construction industry. After more than three decades of practicing law, he still retains his love of architecture and watching buildings go up.

“I joke with my clients that when they’re done with a project, they’ve got a beautiful structure that everyone can admire for years and years, and when you’re a lawyer and you finish a project, you’ve got a bunch of boxes full of paper,” he says.
