


The construction team phased the project, centering on expanding the port’s 43-acre footprint without impacting traffic operations during Phase 1. With the site expanded to its final limits so early in the schedule, Phase 2 included relocating key inspection facilities and a doubling of commercial inspection capacity three years before the overall project completion.

The construction of a new, 7,200-sq-ft vault for confiscated items was specifically targeted by Best Projects judges as a significant achievement. It was the first such vault to be commissioned by the General Services Administration immediately upon completion. Previous certifications of similar vaults took more than one year after completion. The team faced specific challenges only prevalent in a vault setting, including the operation of a bank-type vault door, line of sight cameras and the balancing of the HVAC system. The plan for constructing the vault involved four phases, with the existing vault decommissioned and demolished prior to the start of the next phase of work.



在重建设施,海关和边境巡逻队的重建方面,该设施的任务从进入该国的交通扩展到了检查该国的交通。这一更改为该项目增加了1000万美元。Stantec和Jones Studio动员了实施其他工作。

Paul Andrade, General Services Administration project executive, says the project provided “a world class facility that deserves distinction.”

扩张and Modernization of the Mariposa Land Port of Entry


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