

School enrollments are expected to remain flat through the upcoming fall 2016 school year, after which stronger growth will once again take hold. The strengthening in enrollments reflects an uptick in children born since the 2009 recession—a trend that is expected to continue now that many older members of the millennial generation have reached adulthood and are beginning to marry and have children of their own.

As a result, school enrollments (a key demographic driver behind education construction) will be increasing at a faster pace over the next 10 years. According to the latest projections from NCES, K-12 school enrollments will grow by 2.9 million (5.3%) between 2014 and 2024, when they reach a total of 57.872 million. This growth is stronger than during the previous decade (2004-2014), when K-12 enrollments gained just 82,000 or 0.2%.

Most of the increase will come from elementary and middle schools. Enrollments in grades K-8 remained unchanged over the past decade, but the NCES reports that K-8 enrollments are expected to grow by 2.6 million students (6.8%) to 41.574 million by 2024.

高中入学率的增长(9 - 12年级)也在新利18备用增加,但速度较慢。在过去十年中增长0.5%之后,在未来十年中,入学人数将增长271,000(1.7%新利18备用)。



在未来的十年中,几乎很多- 2.9毫on new students (+14.2%)—will enroll in the nation’s colleges and universities. While the rate of growth may not exceed that of the previous decade, it will still far exceed the gain in K-12 school enrollment, suggesting that the demand for new college and university buildings will remain robust.
