Kevin Brady新房子和方式委员会主席凯文·布雷迪(R-Texas)的首要任务之一预计将是延长2014年末期到期的税收抵免的推动力。其中包括重要的施工相关项目,例如奖励折旧,诸如奖金,根据《税法》和风项目的生产税收抵免支出。新利18备用网址

Brady has been a major player in tax-reform discussions and budget issues as vice chairman of the Joint Economic Committee and a senior Ways and Means member. His rise to the panel’s chairmanship this fall, after Wisconsin Republican Paul Ryan’s ascent to Speaker, will give Brady more clout to promote a pro-small-business agenda, construction industry officials say.



Such legislation would narrow the scope of a potential future tax-reform effort. Moreover, Liam Donovan, the Associated Builders and Contractors’ director of political and legislative affairs, says, “I think the Republican tax writers and leadership are particularly united in looking at this as an opportunity [for] getting some certainty for the business community.”

全国房屋建筑商协会政府事务助理副总裁J.P. Delmore说,布雷迪可能会选择永久性地征收一些税收抵免。他补充说,但是,考虑到他们的时间量,众议院是否可以解决参议院民主党人“坦率地说,这是一个很长的时间”。