
As cross-border traffic becomes more lucrative, so does the engineering and construction of the tunnels. The U.S. Border Patrol plugs discovered tunnels quickly, but new routes appear seemingly overnight.

圣地亚哥边境站的美国监督边境巡逻队兰斯·莱诺尔(Lance Lenoir)表示,非法跨境隧道根据三个层次进行分类:基本,互连和精致。基本的隧道是“地鼠洞”,因为它在围栏下距离短距离。互连的隧道在市政基础设施(例如下水道系统和雨水流水线)中点击或挖出。复杂的隧道是由通风和电气系统建造的,具有某种类型的运输机制,用于移动麻醉品。

Lenoir says the tunnel used by Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, head of the Sinaloa Cartel, to break out of Altiplano Federal Penitentiary last July in Juarez, Mexico, was a sophisticated passageway that used a motorcycle adapted to run on rails from mines.



Agents then use sonde transmitters to pinpoint the tunnel’s path on the surface.



“We get an auger bit and drill until we intercept, and then the concrete trucks come in,” Lenoir says. “It is usually a slurry mix, but for the immediate border area, which is usually within 90 to 120 feet, I usually fill that up with 3,000-psi concrete. Wet slurry cement is pretty easy to pick through … but with the 3,000 psi, they aren’t going to pick through that.”


For the most part, the Mexican government performs little to no remediation, Lenoir says.

George Trevino, Tucson-sector Border Patrol agent, says the tunnels are more expensive than traditional smuggling methods but are constructed quickly. Some tunnels are used multiple times, but others might be used only once. “If they used it for two weeks and, in those two weeks, they were able to pass over $10 million worth of narcotics, that would probably outweigh the cost of building the tunnel, so it is worth it for them,” he says.


负责Nogales边境巡逻站的副巡逻队兼政府跨境隧道专家Kevin Hecht表示,他们可以在任何现有的基础设施中开始。他说:“隧道可以从墨西哥的现有排水系统开始,并在排水系统之间和美国隧道之间进行挖掘。”

