
The decision is a blow to contractors and construction unions, which had strongly pushed for the project, contending that it would create thousands of jobs and stimulate the economy.

但是环保组织认为,由卡尔加里的TransCanada Corp.提出的该项目将为Tars Sands地区更多原油项目打开大门。新利18备用网址他们说,这种油比其他能源的燃料更脏。

The president said that Secretary of State John Kerry had decided that the pipeline would not be in the national interest. “I agree with that decision,” Obama told reporters. “America is now a global leader when it comes to taking serious action to fight climate change. And frankly, approving the project would have undercut that global leadership,” he added.

Senior administration officials told reporters shortly after Obama’s announcement that Kerry based his decision on several conclusions outlined in the Record of Decision National Interest Determination, which is now published on the State Dept. website.



克里在一份声明中说:“如果我们不愿意自己做,美国不能要求其他国家做出艰难的选择来解决气候变化。否认Keystone XL管道是这些艰难的选择之一,但对于美国和世界来说,这是正确的决定。”


环境al advocates celebrated the administration’s decision, although they acknowledged that a future president more sympathetic to the project could reopen the issue.

Bill McKibben, co-founder of environmental organization 350.org, told reporters, “President Obama is the first world leader to cancel a fossil-fuel project because of its effect on the climate. That gives him new stature as an environmental leader.”

He added that the grassroots advocates who fought the pipeline project—an unlikely alliance of landowners, agricultural interests, American Indians and environmental groups—will campaign against other large energy proposals. “Now every fossil-fuel project here and around the world will be under siege,” he said.


北美建筑工会主席肖恩·麦加维(Sean McGarvey)表示,在2009年至2014年之间,美国已经建造了12,000英里的油传输管道。

McGarvey补充道:“我们已经建立了the equivalent of 10 Keystone XL pipelines since 2009, and the White House has not uttered one single word about those projects. In fact, President Obama attended the groundbreaking for the southern leg of the Keystone XL pipeline.”


美国首席执行官联合总承包商斯蒂芬·桑德尔(Stephen Sandherr)表示,政府对基斯通的行动是“失去的机会。这是对政治的决定,而不是关于逻辑的决定。”

TransCanada首席执行官Russ Girling表示,他对这一决定感到失望,并补充说,该公司正在仔细审查该决定及其理由。他在一份声明中说:“我们认为KXL符合美国和加拿大的最大利益。”

Related Links:

国家部Keystone XL申请页面,其中包括决策/国家利益确定的记录
