


Looking at the 43 repeat respondents included within this year's list of the top 50 firms, for instance, shows that nine of those companies-nearly 21%-actually reported decreases in revenue during 2014, the period covered by the survey.

However, revenue for all 43 of the repeat respondents-including the firms with decreased revenue-totaled nearly $4.16 billion in 2014, a more than $600 million overall gain for the group, or a rise of 14%. In other words, some firms are making great gains in the recovering construction economy, while others continue to struggle within the new landscape.

由所有speci累计收入总报告alty contractors included in this year's list fell slightly. That was due, at least in part, to last year's No. 1-ranked firm, Coral Gables, Fla.-based MasTec-which reported roughly $685 million in revenue in last year's ranking-opting not to participate in this year's survey. As a result, this year's total revenue was $5 billion, down from last year's total of $5.17 billion.


例如,根据Dodge数据和分析的最新地铁施工数据,例如,在2015年的前七个月中,东南部的前两个市场 - 大陆和迈阿密的新合同量相同33%的收益。该地区将在亚特兰大领先,截至7月,新合同的61亿美元与亚特兰大的55亿美元塔利相比。


In Orlando, Jack Olmstead, president at Tri-City Electrical, noted to ENR Southeast: "Everything is on the upsurge, but health care is booming."

克利夫兰说,亚特兰大的局势似乎对业务发展副总裁范·克利夫兰(Vann Cleveland)并不完全相同。建筑物,动力装置修改,数据中心,机构和过境部门似乎表现出最大的工作潜力。他补充说,与太阳能发电有关的施工活动也可能正在加热。

亚特兰大的Precision Concrete Construction副总裁Tracy Pierce说:“目前,我们看到了多户房地产的大量活动,我们预计未来几年的需求将会有强大的需求。”他补充说,办公室的建设开始显示出卷土重来的“很早的迹象”。