

根据Dodge Data&Analytics发布的新的Smartmarket报告,总承包商正在报告广泛使用模型驱动的预制。报告中的研究表明:

  • 78% of contractors report its use for mechanical and plumbing systems.
  • 60% report its use for structural steel and for hangers.
  • 43%的人报告了其用于电气,数据和通信系统的使用。

Industry leaders, such as DPR Construction, hold prefab brainstorming sessions early in projects where, instead of identifying which elements can be prefabricated, they challenge the entire project team to justify why any element can’t be prefabricated for greater efficiency, lower cost and improved safety.


A Perfect Storm

Phil Bernstein, vice president for Strategic Industry Relations at Autodesk, describes a perfect storm of factors that will drive this change, which in addition to modeling for design, constructibility and prefabrication, includes:

  • 越来越多地弥合虚拟和现实世界的技术,例如激光扫描,增强现实和3D打印。
  • Digital manufacturing, aka “mass customization,” which allows small quantities of high-quality, precision components and assemblies to be produced on demand.
  • 降低我们的熟练劳动力,这将加速机器人技术和其他形式的机械化组装,以有效地将这些制造的元素置于适当的位置。

Several innovative companies are currently at work on advanced approaches to design, fabrication and onsite assembly. Those include:

项目青蛙(灵活应对持续增长)。它增长out of an awareness that too many children attend school in “portables” that were originally intended to be temporary but are now becoming permanent due to the costs and time required to build new facilities.

The multidisciplinary team has created a standard set of elements that can be combined in almost unlimited iterations to create well-designed schools that are less expensive and faster to put in place, and which can also often be green. For example, Project Frog has put in place an energy-neutral new school in Connecticut.

The company has expanded its scope in recent years to apply a component-based approach to design and construction on other building types, including health care and data centers. The images show a completed school facility and a manufactured component used in the mechanical system for data centers.

充满活力(Sanskrit for “from the beginning”). This firm represents a great mash-up of talent and expertise from the architecture and construction industry, with innovation and fast-paced development skills from Silicon Valley computer microchip manufacturing. The venture-backed company initially focused specifically on the health care industry with a full-service approach to design for manufacturing on the digital Aditazz Realization Platform.

Beginning with early operational programming to define how a facility should function and support the medical care workflows it will house, the Aditazz team virtually configures an optimized design using its library of standard components, which it can manufacture in its production facilities. This end-to-end integration on the Aditazz Realization Platform allows high-quality facilities to be completed faster and at less cost, and deeply engages future users in the process.

充满活力is also expanding its focus to more types of facilities, including schools, high-rises and commercial office buildings. A prototype hospital that won a competition sponsored by Kaiser Permanente had a number of Aditazz components in place.

广泛的可持续建筑This Chinese company grew from being an air-conditioning manufacturer to become the global leader in deploying manufactured components to create large buildings at incredible speeds. The company developed a steel structural system that can withstand a Richter 9 earthquake, but it was not garnering the industry attention company leaders had hoped for until it leveraged another advantage of its system—the speed at which components can be erected.

In 2010, BROAD began a series of projects in China that highlighted this advantage. The first involved building the 15-story Ark Hotel in just 48 hours. In 2011, BR finished a six-story dormitory in five days (from slab on grade) and a 30-story hotel in just 15 days (from the foundation), complete and ready for occupancy by guests. The company claims this hotel was done for less than $1,000 per square meter.

In addition to speed of delivery and seismic resistance, the company claims that the facility has exceptional thermal performance, featuring quadruple glazed windows, and through extensive filtration provides guests with air that is nine times purer than the typical outside air. A time-lapse video of this project (known as T30) is available on YouTube. It has been viewed more than 5 million times.


副总经理肖Changgen广义Group, says, “With traditional construction methods, the building would have taken two years to complete. The company also contends that 90% of the building can be recycled at the end of its life because it uses much less concrete than typical buildings. Still in the works by BROAD Sustainable Buildings is the 220-floor Sky City in Changsua. The goal is to complete the project in 90 days from the completed foundation, but government approvals have snagged the process.

Future of Component-Based Construction

Other trends will also accelerate a shift toward the efficiency and speed of component-based buildings. One is the relentless growth of cities. According to the United Nations, the world can expect to add close to 1.5 billion urbanites in the next 15 years, and 3 billion by 2050. The buildings required to support this influx will by necessity be taller. To that point, Dan McQuade, group president of AECOM Construction Services, says of the five tallest buildings undertaken by the firm’s New York City-based Tishman Construction division, four are under construction right now.

And they won’t be anonymous boxes. As Autodesk’s Bernstein says, “Design will be as important—if not more so—in the age of mass customization and increasingly sophisticated consumer demand.” So the buildings are likely to be highly detailed, with irregular shapes and facades composed of multiple materials, with stringent sustainability and energy-performance requirements.


As construction sites become assembly sites and more work shifts to factory settings, all the familiar aspects of estimating, procurement scheduling, logistics planning and productivity management will be turned on their heads. New players will enter the arena, non-traditional alliances will be formed, education and training will adapt to provide the right kinds of workers, and new types of agreements will be developed to support this next-generation way of delivering projects. It’s a promising future for those companies willing to embrace transformational change.