New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's (D) announcement that he would ban high-volume hydraulic fracturing, more widely known as fracking, was praised by environmental groups but largely criticized by those in favor of the oil-and-gas recovery method as a way to revive economically depressed areas in the state.

However, some firms that work in the sector say they expect to see little change as a result of Cuomo’s Dec. 17 decision since the state has had a temporary ban on fracking since 2008.

Cuomo’s action is based on a recently completed state Dept. of Health review of the process of extracting natural gas from shale, which cited “significant uncertainties about the kinds of adverse health outcomes that may be associated with the high-volume fracking process, according to Howard Zucker, acting department commissioner, who announced his findings at a state cabinet meeting in Albany.


2012年,环境保护专员约瑟夫·马滕斯(Joseph Martens)部门要求卫生局对环境机构的补充通用环境影响声明(SGEI)进行审查,以供大批量压裂。


The final supplmental EIS will be released early next year, he said at the cabinet meeting.

Major findings in the public health review included such potential environmental and health outcomes as air impacts that could affect respiratory health due to increased levels of particulate matter, diesel exhaust, or volatile organic chemicals; climate change impacts due to methane and other volatile organic chemical releases to the atmosphere; drinking water impacts from underground migration of methane and/or fracking chemicals associated with faulty well construction; surface-water contamination resulting from inadequate wastewater treatment; and community impacts associated with boom-town economic effects such as increased traffic, road damage, noise, odor complaints, increased demand for housing and medical care, and stress.

“压裂在纽约或任何地方都没有地位,州长巧妙地抓住了一个千载难逢的机会,成为真正的国家健康领导者,环境保护和未来没有污染化石燃料的未来,”食品公司执行董事Wenonah Hauter说。Water Watch是倡导集团纽约人反对压裂的创始成员,在一份声明中。

但是纽约州石油委员会执行董事卡伦·莫罗(Karen Moreau)称这一决定是“一项政治动机且同样误解了对验证的技术的禁令”。

She said that the governor "acted irresponsibly by issuing a statewide ban on hydraulic fracturing, putting the state's economy on a reckless path and ignoring the needs of New York families, economic opportunity, job creation, revenue to the government, and America's need for energy security."


Jay Simson, president of the American Council of Engineering Companies of New York, contends that "If fracking were approved in some form, it would create jobs for the engineering community."

但是他强调说:“企业并没有输掉工作,因为没有任何东西可以开始 - 他们只是没有得到新的作品。”

环境顾问CDM Smith的副总裁兼石油和瓦斯行业经理Kevin Molloy同意,由于activitivitiving已经迁移到其他地方,因此目前在纽约该行业没有很多公司在该行业工作。

