一种s energy prices continue to soar, green building has emerged as a frequent topic of debate on Capitol Hill. At least 29 bills that promote energy efficiency and environmental quality in buildings have been introduced in Congress since January 2005. But all are still pending and any that do not pass by the time Congress adjourns in October will have to be reintroduced next year.

Kara Rinaldi, director of policy at the Alliance to Save Energy, says rising energy prices and growing concerns about global warming have greatly advanced the green building movement in Congress. "All of those things combined make for a prime opportunity to introduce this type of legislation," she says.

绿色建筑立法的倡导者希望有些账单将通过国会使其成为国会。Carol Werner,环境和能源研究所的Executive主任表示,最近几周有一些绿色票据已经强大推动。新利18备用“我们在立法日缺乏缺货,但是这些账单中的一些领先赞助商希望他们能够为它做好努力,并将这些送到地板上,”她说。

国会似乎对建筑绿色感兴趣但可能是缺乏时间to move a bill this year.

6月下旬,参议员Jim Jeffords(I-VT。)介绍了2006年的高性能绿色建筑法案,该法案将在联邦设施中制定使用高性能绿色建筑标准。该法案要求在普通服务管理局内设立绿色建筑绩效办公室。该法案目前在参议院环境和公共工程委员会,来自过道双方的10个赞助商。

在房子方面,贾迪Biggert(R-Ill。)于6月份介绍了2006年的能源研究,发展,示范和商业应用法案。该法案包括提供补助金的规定,以抵消设计和建模节能的成本新建筑物和装修项目。新利18备用网址该法案目前在众议院科学委员会。它有15个共和党共和国共和党共和党和一个民主党共同赞助商,德克萨斯州的Al Green。

Despite those actions, Bill Prindle, deputy director of the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, does not think any green building bills will make it through by the end of the year.



"There are a number of priorities [in Congress] with the short session that will make it difficult for these to move forward this year," says Rinaldi. "It's not a lack of interest at this point. It�s more a lack of time."