The Top 25 Newsmakers of 2008:2009年1月7日
Mike Adams|Bernard Amadei|William W. Badger|鲍勃·贝利|Frank Bardonaro Jr.|凯文·博林(Kevin Bolin)|Jon Chiglo|彼得圣derson|Cary Feldmann|大卫·W·弗莱布尔|Elie H. Homsi|肖恩·基拉(Shaun Killa)|Kyung-Jun Kim|Ron Klemencic|J. Patrick Kociolek|Warren Lloyd|Bruce A. Magladry|吉姆·麦克米米(Jim McMinimee)|Don T. Resio|约翰·索尼奇特(John Sumnicht)|Maysoon Tawfik|约翰·托西|Paul Treacy|Wang Xiangming|Richard Yemm


Mike Adams Mike Adams



Bernard Amadei


Academic is giving engineering education a new twist, founding a movement catching on with students, professionals and global communities.

William W. Badger

Bill Badger Looks for Leaders in All Kinds of Industry Places

This noted construction academic and researcher is using his experience and industry connections to turn more managers into true leaders—just in the nick of time.


An Equipment Dealer Builds a Workforce

A CAT dealership HR manager who decided the best way to find new diesel-service technicians is through training.

Frank Bardonaro Jr.


This hoisting expert spearheaded a local standard for tower cranes, and it is serving as a safe model for other jurisdictions.

凯文·博林(Kevin Bolin)

凯文·博林(Kevin Bolin)makes new Innovative Waste-to-Energy Process Reality

Bolin was the driving force behind getting five California municipalities and sanitation districts to commit to an innovative process developed by his firm.

Jon Chiglo

Mixing Social and Structural Skills, Project Leaders Guided Historic Rebuild in Minnesota

Chiglo’s design-build savvy, discipline and calm professionalism were key in managing the rebuild of the I-35W bridge.


Mixing Social and Structural Skills, Project Leaders Guided Historic Rebuild in Minnesota

Sanderson’s global experience and mix of social and civil engineering skills were vital to the structural and public success of a high-profile job.

Cary Feldmann

High Dam’s Fish Collector Cuts Mortality to Minimum




Frable succeeded in his effort to get building and fire officials to include occupant evacuation elevators in the model codes.

Elie H. Homsi

Take 'One Bite at a Time out of the Elephant' Says Father of Pile-Driving Gantry Concept


肖恩·基拉(Shaun Killa)

Sailing Background Leads to Two Towers with Turbines


Kyung-Jun Kim

It’s a Supertall Order Building An 800-Meter-Plus �Cloudpiercer’

三星公司的项目总监正在领导团队建造世界上最高的建筑物Burj Dubai。

Ron Klemencic

Seismic Engineer Pries Open Floodgates for Performance-Based Design of High-Rises

Klemencic waged a 12-year crusade to gain acceptance for what he calls �real� seismic engineering for tall buildings in the U.S.

J. Patrick Kociolek


Former executive director of San Francisco’s California Academy of Sciences envisioned and led the museum’s �sustainable� reinvention.

Warren Lloyd



Bruce A. Magladry



吉姆·麦克米米(Jim McMinimee)

McMinimee’s Olympian Efforts Spur Bridge Construction Innovation for Utah Dept. of Transportation

UDOT’s project development director pushed for unprecedented use of accelerated bridge-construction methods and best-value bids.

Don T. Resio

Inventing a Way To Plug Breached Levees With Water-Filled Tubes is Good Fun...and Wonderful


约翰·索尼奇特(John Sumnicht)

Innovative Seismic Design Made Job Viable from the Ground Up

Engineer executed a performance-based design that allowed a large rooftop addition without a major seismic upgrade below.

Maysoon Tawfik

Iraqi-American Engineers Hope

Tawfik rallied industry groups around Tree of Life, which mentors Iraqi engineers to rebuild their nation.


Chief ‘Enabling’ Officer Drives Hard for Process Transformation in Construction


Paul Treacy

Former Bartender Pours a Cutting-Edge, Concrete Cocktail for Hip, New Skyscraper


Wang Xiangming



Richard Yemm


我chanical engineer founded firm that developed articulated device, the first to commercially generate power from waves.