
DPWs经常刻板的经理nation's "roads and commodes, with the big yellow trucks for pushing snow," says Kurt Blomquist, public-works director for Keene, N.H., and a member of the American Public Works Association.


在紧急情况下行动在2014年10月,occupants and employees of 12 agencies on Long Island were evacuated without notice when a 65-year-old vehicle bridge serving the Boston Harbor island was deemed in danger of collapse. Boston's DPW contracted with Chicago-based Walsh Construction for the $23-million demolition of the Long Island Bridge's 16 spans stretching over 3,450 ft. The replacement span is estimated to cost over $100 million and take five years to complete. But recently elected Mayor Marty Walsh (D) is demanding his DPW complete the work in three years.

The city's Old Northern Avenue Bridge, a pedestrian crossing, also was closed in an emergency action in 2014, and DPW crews on the swing bridge were prohibited from occupying their work trailer. The North Washington Street Bridge, a vital hazardous materials crossing for trucks unable to use the Interstate 93 tunnels through the city's center, is a decaying danger that's been rated structurally deficient and functionally obsolete. Both superstructures will cost an estimated $100 million each to rebuild.

DPWs are not just first responders in emergencies; they also build long-term emergency infrastructure. "After Hurricane Sandy swept through New York City, we were nicknamed the Emerald City," explains Harry Weed, DPW superintendent for Rockville Centre, New York. "The village of Rockville Centre generates its own power. We're off the grid. When the superstorm knocked out New York City's power, Rockville Centre was glowing in the dark."

Rockville Centre's Mayor Francis Murray (D) encouraged Weed to continue expanding the reach of the town's public works after Sandy by submitting to a national flood-plan competition. Weed's efforts prevailed, winning a generous cut of a $125-million grant from the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force and the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development.


DPWs also are partnering with other agencies to get critical civic projects off the ground. Kansas City, Mo., is rolling along with an ambitious effort that Sherri McIntyre, director of public works, manages.

“我们已经从倡导有轨电车项目到短短几年内建造了两英里的轨道。”这项耗资1.1亿美元的项目将于2016年完成。市议员罗素·约翰逊(Russ Johnson)的支持,当地运输和基础设施委员会主席,3700万美元的联邦赠款,“社区和商业领袖的行动,以及27个公用事业的协调公司正在使有轨电车项目成为可能。”麦金太尔说。