"> 行业妇女应对仍在挑战工作地点的挑战| 2015-05-12 | ENR | Engineering News-Record - 新利18备用


Presented by ENR Magazine and  Peckar & Abramson
Presented by ENR Magazine and  Peckar & Abramson
Groundbreaking Women in ConstructionWorkforceGWIC in the News


May 12, 2015
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Photo by Steve Hill for ENR
Jill Thomsen (second from right), Kiewit employee relations director, discusses how women can deal with workplace sex harassment.

Despite the gains women have made in construction's professional and leadership ranks, nearly 300 had plenty to discuss at an ENR conference in New York City that focused on "the elephants still in the room," the nagging challenges of industry gender dynamics.

The issue of workplace sexual harassment galvanized ENR's "Groundbreaking Women in Construction" gathering on May 6 as attendees at all industry levels shared incidents and impacts.

In an electronic poll, 68% of attendees said they had been sexually harassed at work or thought they had been. More than 65% of attendees work for construction or CM firms.

Design-Build公司Perez首席执行官Perez的首席执行官Angela O'Byrne会议中传达了在现场企业活动中发生的处理骚扰的影响,而一位身份不明的大学工程专业的学生对教授的行为使她的行为变得不愉快,使她的行为变得不愉快关于他们的学术关系。

" 'Unwelcomeness' is the buzzword," said Richard Steer, partner in the employment law firm Tarter, Krinsky & Drogin. "But the concept of a hostile environment can be a tough one" to prove, he added. "There's no bright line."

Meloni Boatswain, director of project operations for interiors design firm ASD Surfaces, said harassment can become a safety issue when it leads to jobsite stress, adding that OSHA is addressing the issue.

Kiewit employee-relations manager Jill Thomsen said the firm "is teaching generations of men how to work with and supervise women," but she urged industry women to "be mindful of behavior at work. Do you want to be known as a Kim Kardashian or a Sheryl Sandberg?"

Gender-based salary gaps also evoked intense discussion, with about 73% of attendees claiming they had faced pay disparity with a male colleague. Learning that was a "punch in the gut," said Ivette Vanas, senior vice president of Skanska. She urged attendees to "find the facts, find your voice and set the right price for yourself."

与会者想知道与母性对职业进步和技能建设的影响有关的差异。有人指出,有必要了解不断发展的联邦保护措施对薪酬差异。但是,纽约市工程师AKF的消防守则顾问千禧一代Caitlyn Angelini说:“许多年轻专业人士都不控制自己的职业。”

The dynamics in becoming company leaders and mentors also can challenge women. Conferees debated whether men or women are preferable in those roles, but panelist Brent Darnell, an Atlanta workforce coach and industry consultant, said, "The question to ask is whether you want to work for a good boss or a bad boss? You have to establish trust."

纳布尔兹建筑执行副总裁安德里亚·伍兹(Andrea Woods)告诉与会者,他们应该“有一天指导有人带领您”。

Joan Miller, a senior vice president for oil, gas and chemicals at consultant CH2M, advised women to volunteer for work in company strategic planning, take on assignments that offer exposure and "continually reinvent yourself."

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