
The report contends that 16% of California construction jobs—in a $152-billion industry that employed 895,000 people in 2012—was work done off-the-books in 2011, and it points to similar problems nationwide.

The study by the Los Angeles-based Economic Roundtable states that over 39,800 California construction workers were misclassified as independent contractors in 2011.

Resulting low wages make recruiting new industry craftsmen more difficult. California's total wage gap for nearly 143,900 "informal" construction workers, who currently earn about half what their legal peers do, totaled $1.2 billion. The state's unreported and misclassified construction work increased by 400% from 1972 to 2012, primarily in the specialty building trades, including painters, laborers, carpet installers and roofers. The recession fueled a spike in misclassified or unreported construction work.

木匠工会发言人马特·凯普斯(Matt Capece)说:“我们每天看到这种事情发生在该领域,我们认为需要进行量化。”“该行业抱怨需要招募和保留熟练的工匠,但工资欺诈会导致问题。”

据报道,一些employers seek "a fig leaf of legal compliance" while avoiding paying taxes and benefits by misclassifying hourly workers as independent contractors, reducing payroll costs by up to 30%.

California has over 20% of the U.S. undocumented population, accounting for 1 in 10 workers, which enables exploitative labor practices and tax evasion, the study says. Paying fair wages to informal construction workers would inject $1.5 billion into to California's economy and generate 7.9 new jobs for every $1 million spent, say researchers.

审查了这项研究的承包商州许可委员会注册商史蒂夫·桑兹(Steve Sands)说:“该报告确实提出了新的信息和统计数据,但识别州机构当前正在完成的所有事情都缺乏。”新利18备用

He says the agency was never contacted for study input, despite being named in its conclusions. Sands says the board "goes after those who break the law and hurt consumers, workers and California's economy."

According to the report, about 16.8% of the construction workforce in Indiana also was misclassified based on 2010 statistics, and 38% in Austin, Texas, based on 2009 data.

哈佛大学工业卫生高级讲师罗伯特·赫里克(Robert Herrick)说:“员工分类政策是一个完全不同的国家政策的疯狂棉被。”新利18备用官网登录缅因州的建筑业。该州在2012年对所有部门的独立承包商颁布了标准定义。

Employee misclassification across all industries is a growing problem, especially in construction, where there is a downward pressure for contractors looking to come in with the lowest bid," says Alison D. Quesada, a labor education specialist at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.