
According to a 2011 report by Ernst & Young and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the construction industry in India is grappling with a 30% labor shortage. With construction booming at unprecedented levels, the demand for a skilled workforce is huge and unfed. According to the report “Indian Construction Sector: The Great Leap Forward,” released earlier this year by Synergy Property Development Services, the country’s labor shortage is “pegged to go up by 65% by the next decade, with more workforce moving from traditional brick-and-mortar industries, [such as] the construction and real estate sectors, to services industries.”

“印度建筑工地往往很费力,因此它们非常密集,”项目和开发服务部首席执行官兼印度琼斯·兰·拉萨尔(Jones Lang Lasalle India)的新兴企业主管Anurag Mathur说。“随着建筑业在过去几年的表现良好,建筑量的增加,这给劳动力劳动力带来了很大的压力。”

There is also pressure on wages. “The cost has definitely escalated," says Shrinivas Rao, CEO of Asia Pacific at Vestian Global Workplace Services. "Construction costs are spiraling every six months.What we used to pay, let’s say, five years ago at Rs 100 [$1.60] per day, is now about Rs 260 to 270 [$4.16 to $4.32]. Skilled labor, in terms of carpenters or more professionals—what we used to pay, Rs 100 [$1.60], is now probably at Rs 1,000 [$16] today.”

近年来,熟练工人的工资率急剧上升。南亚南亚董事总经理萨钦·桑迪尔(Sachin Sandhir)在皇家皇家学会上说:“每月进行15,000卢比的木匠(240美元)和一点点培训,今天要求每月80,000卢比[$ 1,279]。”特许测量师(RICS)。

此外,工人不可用的不确定性意味着公司的日程安排会消失。“如果它减慢了,这是一个问题,但是您可以处理:接受过去需要六个月的时间需要九个月,预算并继续前进。但是不确定性 - 这是一个杀手,”他说。“您不知道这是否需要八个月或10个月,因为您非常依赖劳动力的可用性。这会给项目时间表带来巨大的压力,然后在施工质量等方面造成了巨大的压力。当缺乏高质量的劳动力时,就质量问题和类似的东西而言,妥协开始构成。”


Construction labor in India draws from the migrant population, so it’s very seasonal, explains Mathur. Most people in urban areas for construction work come from rural areas in states such as Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal. “We are so dependent on the skilled laborer. It’s different from the Western world, because they're highly mechanized and highly industrialized. They don’t use 20% of the workforce that we use on-site,” he says.

In addition, schemes such as the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) have contributed to the shortfall of labor on construction sites, many say.
