
As industry acceptance of BIM grows, colleges and universities are trying to work it into their long-established architecture and engineering curricula, with mixed success. While BIM evangelists see great potential in teaching it to the next generation of engineers, architects and construction managers, many academics and professionals are not yet fully convinced of the still-evolving technology's value in a slim-margin construction world.

"BIM is really a cultural revolution for the construction industry," notes Willem Kymmell, a professor of construction management at California State University, Chico, and the author of a forthcoming book about BIM systems. "BIM has usually been seen as being for architects, but many of our students studying construction management are showing great interest in its applications in project scheduling."

凯梅尔(Kymmell)虽然是BIM的伟大支持者,但不应担心它可以替代建筑或工程领域的传统教育。他说:“ BIM是一个绝妙的可视化工具,可以为学生提供一个项目的完整图片,但我很遗憾许多学校正在从他们所需的课程中汲取传统的手工作品,并将学生正确地进入计算机建模。”“计算机模型很有价值,但是如果不了解它,您就无法绘制施工细节。”

Most schools that teach BIM today generally offer it only as an advanced course and are reluctant to let students tackle it before they have mastered the basics. "Knowing how to make a model doesn't actually solve problems," Kymmell contends. "There is a big difference in knowing what to do with the computer and what to do with the result."

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    BIM从行业内部遇到了类似的文化障碍。公司有时会使用引人注目的4D BIM渲染来打动客户,然后将其搁置,以获取更既定的方法。虽然BIM可能比花哨的建模更具嘲笑,但学术界的支持者将基本数据管理视为其真正的实用性。

    F.H. "Bud" Griffis, a professor at Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, N.Y., and a longtime advocate of BIM. "There are geometric databases, and you can attach attributes that are tracked throughout a project." All civil engineering undergraduates at Polytechnic must take a two-semester BIM course, includeing the BIM model submitted with their senior project.

    Students are encouraged to forgo tweaking models endlessly and to concentrate on finding meaningful applications for the attached metadata elements. "One of our students is using BIM to work out how to minimize a building's carbon footprint using the databases," says Griffis. "Once you've seen your structure in 3D with all the databases, it is very hard to go back to plain 2D or 3D drawings without the attached content. You feel handicapped."

    格里菲斯(Griffis)说,他在应用BIM的一段时间内已经领先于曲线,但观察到:“当今的行业中,我们越来越多地看到它,学生可以将自己的BIM经验带入该领域。”他让学生参与实际行业BIM项目,包括与建筑巨头Bechtel的几项努力。新利18备用网址他说:“ Bechtel目前在BIM上是世界上最先进的,学生可以通过研究其在现实世界项目中的使用来看到该技术的好处。”新利18备用网址新利18备用

    The most vocal advocates of BIM in higher education today are often technology vendors that make the required software. Although companies such as Autodesk, which produces Revit, Bentley Systems, whose BIM tool is Microstation, and others...