安全IRS总部改造包括额外的爆炸保护水平。(照片由Oldcastle-Arpal LLC提供)


After the 1995 destruction of Oklahoma City’s Murrah Federal Building, the U. S. General Services Administration addressed security in all federal buildings, especially against truck bombs and other blasts and flying glass shards. "There are creative ways to mitigate blast effects on historic buildings, but with limitations," says GSA Chief Architect Edward Feiner, Washington, D.C. "Reducing the impact of glass fragmentation, with minimal negative effect on historic details or building character, requires care and significant expense. Increased distance or ‘standoff’ from an explosion is the best protection."


Sometimes the cost of improving blast resistance performance can be unrealistically expensive, says Feiner. Rather than dismantle the entire historic facade to install an underlying new structure, it may make more sense to change occupancy, he says. Large expenditures on protective construction that produce minimal improvements for occupants make no sense. "Each project should be analyzed to determine the appropriate response," Feiner adds.



玻璃在爆炸中变形。 Windows适合现有的IRS结构。
(照片由Oldcastle-Arpal LLC提供)

Blast windows typically include two layers of laminated glass bonded on both sides of a strong plastic interlayer, similar to an automobile windshield. The Blast-Tec framing system and glass installed in the IRS building was anchored into existing structural systems with minimal interface to walls or woodwork. During a blast event, the window is designed to deform in a controlled collapse. The interlayer between the laminated glass prevents flying glass shards associated with blast-related injuries.

"The operable, blast mitigation windows...act as an interior blast shield, while retaining the building’s historic exterior character," says Peter Fillmore, president of Oldcastle-Arpal LLC., the Arlington, Va.-based supplier of the IRS windows. "They address thermal properties and may be used for emergency egress, enhancing employee safety."


州和地方历史悠久的法院通常需要安全和生活安全升级,以满足当前的案件并创建循环区域。“许多年龄较大的历史悠久的法院都有一个主要入口,大厅和法庭。他们并非旨在分开法官,囚犯,陪审员和公共基本的公共安全计划标准的流通,”建筑,Ayres Associates,Eau Claire,Wisc。

不引人注目Grant County Courthouse security measures are low-key, transparent. (Photo courtesy of Ayres Associates)

The $2.6-million Grant County Courthouse remodeling and addition in Lancaster, Wisc., upgraded efficiency and security at the nationally registered 1902 landmark. Secure prisoner transfers from the nearby jail are accomplished with a new elevator, holding cells and garage. The rehab included new jury and meeting rooms, expanded videoconferencing capabilities, separate circulation for judges and replacement windows.

The Essex County, N.J., courthouse, designed by renowned architect Cass Gilbert, is being restored to its former grandeur and receiving security upgrades as part of a $35-million multiphase master plan. "When complete, the 105,000-sq-ft 1907 Beaux-Arts building will include limited glass in courtrooms, direct access for judges to their chambers and load-bearing masonry construction, including Guastavino vaulting in the atrium," says Anne E. Weber, senior associate with Princeton, N.J.-based architects Ford Farewell Mills and Gatsch.


确保周围并确保访问控制是任何结构的第一道防线。“华盛顿纪念碑计划安装一个有争议的地下入口,使我们应该如何接近地标的混乱。”位于华盛顿特区的国家公园遗产保护服务部的技术保护服务总经理沙龙·帕克(Sharon C. Park)说。

"Documenting existing resources, such as the Statue of Liberty, and Mount Rushmore, is vital so you can repair them when there is damage and assess what’s important to the landmark’s historic character," says Park. "Environmentally sensitive security measures are major considerations during rehabilitation of historic federal resources," she adds.



弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿DMJM Technology高级副总裁Bill Sewell说:“结构上的防御工事使建筑物能够在爆炸后站立,并允许从建筑物信封中撤离。”

HEAVY DUTYPentagon upgrade, already under way, saved many lives in 9/11 terror attack. (Photo courtesy of DOD)

其他增强包括墙treatments, including shatter-resistant carbon fiber materials, which prevented shrapnel and walls from flying into offices. KEVLAR (a material used in bulletproof vests) sheeting behind finished walls added extra protection in case a wall blew in. "On 9/11, smoke was a problem during egress, so arrow-shaped electroluminescent floor strips along baseboards leading to exits were installed," says Sewell. "They emit a nightlight glow and remain on emergency power, like those on aircraft," he adds.




当菲利普·莫里斯(Philip Morris)美国将其总部搬到弗吉尼亚州里士满时,DMJM翻新了前雷诺金属公司公司总部。它建于1958年,并在国家历史注册表上列出。该项目的早期已经解决了新的公司安全标准,以确保员工保护。大堂翻新建立了控制访问点,限制了在相对不受限制的访问时代过去的前所有者运营表征的自由流循环。

"Materials and finishes maintained the historic qualities, while the trend toward smaller, increasingly unobtrusive cameras and technology devices allowed a lower profile," says Sewell.


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