
有超过110亿美元的积极建筑合同和另外300美元的规划和设计,以新的10年资本计划的形式达到146亿美元 - DEP已成为最重要的所有者之一 -三国区域的开发人员,特别是大多数私营部门建筑仍然冻结。


有超过110亿美元的积极建筑合同和另外300美元的规划和设计,以新的10年资本计划的形式达到146亿美元 - DEP已成为最重要的所有者之一 -三国区域的开发人员,特别是大多数私营部门建筑仍然冻结。

“通过这一羽绒经济,我们仍然设法每年的价值或更长时间的工作,”Acp的工程和设计局副专员James Mueller说。这是多元化的工作,其中一些很大,它的一些很小,它涵盖了很多不同的承包商,雇用了很多人。我认为人们注意到这一点。“


“When you’re looking at 30, 40, 50% unemployment [in the construction industry], you can’t help but consider an owner like the DEP a desired owner, maybe one of the most desired owners,” said one industry insider who represents several firms that work on DEP projects. “Has it always been that way? No. But they’re making great strides in a lot of areas and they’re keeping a lot of our [workers] busy. That goes a long way with a lot of people.”


Over the last couple of years the DEP has spent considerable time re-evaluating its business practices and implementing several new strategies while the department’s young, new commissioner, Caswell F. Holloway, who was appointed by Mayor Michael Bloomberg in November of last year before taking over in January 2010, has made improved relations with contractors one of his biggest priorities and has

“在那里肯定有一个感知,DEP可能难以工作,”Caswell F. Holloway,于2009年由Mayor Michael Bloomberg被任命为Dep专员。“我认为改善了很多事情。”


庞大的资本计划包括四个地上的项目,这些项目正在作为“遗产工作:”3亿美元的城市隧道3号,其深度达到800英尺旨在新利18备用网址允许,for the first time, inspection and repair of the city’s original two water conveyance tunnels, built in...