A Dayton, Ohio-based roofing contractor is contesting U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration citations after a 60-year-old worker died last August from complications caused by heat stroke on an 82-degree F day.

据OSHA称,A.H. Sturgill Roofing Inc.的临时雇员一直在迈阿密斯堡的商业平坦屋顶上直接阳光下工作,将橡胶屋顶材料扔进了地面上的一辆自卸车。未命名的雇员必须8月1日住院并在21天后死亡。


“ Sturgill Roofing有责任要求工人在阴影中经常休息并在不利时喝大量水
heat conditions, which poses a risk of injury or death," said Bill Wilkerson, OSHA's area director in Cincinnati. "Employers must train their supervisors and workers to recognize the warning signs of heat illness and take appropriate action."

无法置评的Sturgill官员,该官员无法置评。公司总裁艾伦·斯特吉尔(Allen Sturgill),告诉《代顿每日新闻》that his company had a good safety program and that the 82-degree temperature were "far from those typically causing heat stress."

The company’s lawyer, Bob Dunlevey, also told the Dayton Daily News that “OSHA is currently attempting to emphasize issues related to employee heat stress and to set precedent upon which OSHA can cite other employers in the future under its General Duty Clause — no specific OSHA standard exists as to heat stress issues, but Sturgill was still cited.”

OSHA发言人斯科特·艾伦(Scott Allen)表示,提议的罚款的重点是使承包商合规。他说:“这不是罚款,而是要使公司纠正违规行为以防止刑法的问题。”