Zak Kostura

The determination to capture a perfect image is on display in the work of the participants in ENR’s 2013 Images: The Year in Construction Photo Contest. From squeezing into a tiny aluminum cart strung across the Colorado River Gorge to dangling in a lift basket high above a fabrication yard, these photographers show what it takes to get a great shot. This year, ENR is awarding cover photographer Thiel Harryman with an official grand prize: a construction site time-lapse camera housing, donated by sponsor photoSentinel.

决赛入围者保罗·图(Paul Turang)表示,比赛为该行业提供了一个平台和奖品,否则可能永远不会看到一天的光芒。他说,最好的镜头经常被转过去,因为它们没有足够的项目来帮助市场部讲述一个故事。一个例子是他在第36页上的照片。
