Although 50% of the design had been finished in 2005, the construction price wasn't negotiated until 2010. The VA originally said the hospital would open in May 2015.

Kiewit-Turner对该日期提出了异议,目的是针对2017年初的最早开放。去年八月,Kiewit-Turner要求离开该项目 - 宣称该机构未能就可以为6.6亿美元的商定的设计达成共识价格和弗吉尼亚州欠了1亿美元用于无薪工作和材料。

In a Dec. 9 ruling, the U.S. Civilian Board of Contract Appeals essentially endorsed the joint venture's version of what had happened, adding that the VA had failed to "control its designer" and "comport itself with standards of good faith."

Problems With Design Team

可以肯定的是,弗吉尼亚州还指着设计团队(由Skidmore Owings&Merrill领导的合资企业)指责,该公司表明,它创造了一种过于复杂的设计,该设计过于专注于美学,并误导了该机构是否可以建立该设计的设计在预算之内。


With a still unfolding controversy over delays in healthcare to veterans, the agency may not have been able to go back to Congress for more funds.

A day after the board ruling, Kiewit-Turner walked off the project and demanded immediate payment of $157 million in past costs, transference of management to the Corps from the VA and a delivery model based on federal cost-reimbursable principles.



弗吉尼亚州官员在国会委员会的露面中向国会保证了代理机构能力。收购,物流和建设的首席执行董事格伦·哈格斯特罗姆(Glenn Haggstrom)去年对众议院委员会表示,变更命令“在建设任何大型,复杂的项目期间并不罕见”,弗吉尼亚州已采取步骤来简化“太笨拙”过程。

In March, Stella S. Fiotes, executive director of the VA's office of construction and facilities management, testified against a proposed bill that would have required, among other things, that the agency use a special project manager from the Corps on its New Orleans, Orlando and Aurora medical centers.


Added Fiotes, "The way the [agency]is doing business today has changed significantly since the Orlando, Denver and New Orleans projects were undertaken."