
研究小组董事长兼Conocophillips项目服务总经理Glenn F. Doran说,该报告是一种“以具体的财务方式”展示CII研究的价值。CII副主席兼Fluor Corp.高级副总裁Glenn C. Gilkey补充说:“我们所有人都在寻找成本,日程安排和安全性的可预测结果。”该集团现在有132家成员公司在所有者,建立项目组合和承包商的所有者之间均匀分配。新利18备用网址

CII Director Wayne Crew, who presented the data at the research group's annual conference in Baltimore on July 24-25, said the report underscores the basics of engineering economics where the value equation is both cost and schedule. If the benefit stream starts too late or costs are very out of proportion, the net present value is significantly less. "Projects anywhere out of the center quadrant don't deliver the same value," he added (see chart).

How can companies be more predictable? Stephen P. Mulva, CII associate director, said about 150 factors are measured in the group's benchmarking program, and the top four that the study linked to performance were contract method, working relationship, level of scope definition and level of planning for startup. CII owners had more success with lump sum vs. cost reimbursable contracts when working with CII contractors who share best practices and when implementing better scope definition and front-end planning.