
1. Site Access。去年冬天,落基山脉的一部分降雪接近纪录。获得进入工作现场的延误可能会阻碍承包商和顾问调查雪的土壤和其他条件的能力。业主和承包商应讨论调查这些条件的范围和时间。如果调查将受到限制或完全遗忘,各方应就隐藏条件状况以及与成本和时间表的关系的假设达成共识。业主和承包商还应讨论人员将如何访问该网站,以及谁负责消除现有和任何新的降水。承包商应清楚地表明,在人员完全访问该网站之前,合同时间不应开始。

2. Staggered Construction。对于在冬季无法轻松进入的地区,在两个夏季建设季节中无法轻松进入的区域中的大型建筑项目,新利18备用网址在此期间几个月中很少或没有活动。在这些情况下,所有者和承包商应就必须在第一个建设季节结束之前达成的任何里程碑以及这些里程碑的截止日期达成共识。承包商应清楚地表明,交错的项目时间表将对保修有什么影响,并且在工作停止时,承包商对工作现场的安全不承担任何责任,除非可能维护建筑商的风险保险单。承包商还应考虑要求释放至少一部分冬季完成工作的保留。

3. Completion Date。As with all projects, owners and contractors should agree on the date by which work must be substantially complete. It should be clear what constitutes “substantial completion” and, if the agreed upon completion date is in the fall, the parties should discuss what impact, if any, early season snowfall will have on that date. Experienced contractors can anticipate and work around normally occurring fall weather, but they should make sure they are not held to the substantial completion date if unanticipated weather occurs. When working toward a fall completion, the parties should extend their discussion about site access and maintenance to include next season’s snowfall and its impact on their respective responsibilities.


5.决策者。Even parties who have carefully discussed and planned their construction projects will sometimes disagree. Using reliable standard contracts such as AIA forms or ConsensusDOCS is always advised, but in some cases, consulting an impartial but knowledgeable third party can help to arbitrate foreseeable disputes. That person or company should be experienced with similar projects and have a proven track record for maintaining good working relationships with both owners and contractors.


迈克尔·斯特兰德(Michael Strand)是Snell&Wilmer LLP丹佛办事处的房地产和建筑法的合伙人。可以通过mrstrand@swlaw.com或www.swlaw.com与他联系。