Denny Pehrson admits that he has the instincts of a teacher as much as a builder. Pehrson, 75, honed his teaching skills working as a foreman, superintendent and senior superintendent during 57 years in the industry—a career in which he mentored hundreds of young constructors. He officially retired five years ago from Adolfson & Peterson Construction, Aurora, Colo., but Pehrson continues to visit A&P jobsites to offer suggestions, safety tips and "an occasional kick in the pants" to younger colleagues. In July he celebrated 49 years with the company.

Photo courtesy of Adolfson and Peterson Construction
Retired senior superintendent Denny Pehrson says the best workers are those who understand the whole project, not just their piece of it.

"I have enjoyed many parts of the job," Pehrson says. "But one of the best is watching the younger generation grow up, seeing them get better at their jobs every year. I have always been firm with them—some might say I was pretty tough at times—but that was to make them better builders."


“丹尼the ability to teach without giving the answer," says John Herrera, A&P general superintendent. "He leads you down the right path to the answer, but in the end, you would be able to answer your own question."

Pehrson learned his trade skills working for his father, a part-time bricklayer, on the family farm in western Minnesota. After high school, he took a job as a bricklayer and completed a three-year apprenticeship while working for a local construction company.

He was promoted to foreman and learned to do finish work. Then, in 1965, he was hired away by A&P co-founder George Adolfson. Pehrson's first project with A&P was a school in Fairmont, Minn. He tackled his first superintendent's job on a National Guard Armory project.

A&P要求佩尔森(Pehrson)于1981年移居西部,以帮助开设该公司的新科罗拉多州办公室。从那以后,他曾担任30多个主要项目的负责人,其中包括2700万美元的凯撒Permanente Rock Creek多专科校园。新利18备用网址它提前两个月完成,在他的手表下,预算低于预算。佩尔森说,他最艰难的工作是占地80英亩的樱桃溪高中,在不到两年的时间里,A&P在这里建造了校园的补充并翻新了50%的校园。
