In 2015 the construction industry faces the aftermath of the recent recession, during which many experienced construction professionals moved to other industries. As construction demand bounces back and increases its need for competent, long-term employees, both general contractors and subcontractors must find ways to attract and retain people to fill key executive-level positions.

One method for doing so is to introduce an incentive compensation plan, which can motivate employees to adopt ownership thinking, resulting in strategic actions and decision-making that lead to business growth. This is especially true for companies experiencing or preparing for a transition, which might include a sale or acquisition, organizational restructuring, or a shift from one generation to the next in a family-owned operation.

Many incentive plans are available, so owners should ask essential questions about each one before making a final decision. Here are a few of those:



2. Does the plan target the appropriate personnel?

不同的计划旨在使不同的群体受益。例如,股票期权和作为资本利益获得的选择是为执行团队成员的,而其他计划(例如Phantom Stock)旨在为执行团队加上高级管理层提供。由于不同的群体具有不同的兴趣和动机,因此所有者应确保他们选择的计划非常适合他们想要鼓励的人员。



4. Does the plan tie actions to rewards?

A plan that truly prompts employees to think like owners is one that presents a clear relationship between their actions and eventual rewards. Some executives are surprised to recognize that a bonus plan doesn’t necessarily do so because rewards are presented after the desired outcomes have already been achieved. A good incentive plan is specific in the actions and goals it requires, such as generating a certain amount in sales or staying within budget. Some incentive plans, such as profit interests, capital interests, option to acquire a capital interest, and stock options, are geared more toward aligning behavior with company goals.

5. What cash flow implications does the plan carry?




Eric Stutz, CPA, is a tax partner at EKS&H LLLP in Denver.