

In the last few years, a study was done and distributed widely to the restaurant industry that justifies noisy restaurants because they encourage patrons to drink more and eat faster. This means more liquor sales and a quicker turnover in tables in the dining area. Both of those also mean more money.


当我说嘈杂时,我并不是说些响亮 - 因为我认为某些背景噪音很有帮助。它有助于掩盖对话并提供隐私感。正常的人类语音水平在55至60 A加权分贝或DBA之间。如果餐厅中的背景噪音接近这个水平,那么房间的噪音就像在一个聚会上,每个人都随着人群的大小增加而大声说话。

In the acoustics industry, this is known as the “cocktail party effect,” and its results are well documented. Acoustical research allows us to calculate noise levels based on the number of people at the party. Eventually, it rises to the point where everyone is shouting, and only a portion of what is said can actually be understood. Eventually, there goes the social exchange that allows people to interact and connect.


New businesses are challenged by competition—especially in the restaurant industry—and I understand the need to save money, but restaurants with bare concrete floors, open ceilings with metal decks or painted gypsum board and lots of glass will most likely be too loud.

噪音是导致声音过多的声音的结果,这种声音会干扰语音的清晰度。具有所有硬表面的空间肯定会受益于声学饰面。目标不是太安静了,例如具有背景噪声水平30至35 DBA的库,因为顾客注意到语音隐私的丧失。另一方面,背景噪声水平为40至45 dba,增加了语音隐私,并有助于掩盖表之间的对话。



拒绝声音,我相信 - 在美食和更好的服务中,您将拥有忠实的客户和更多的业务寿命,而不是在锅中成为时髦,嘈杂的闪光。

Ed Logsdon是丹佛D.L.的副校长亚当斯同事。