国家的基础设施亟需代表air. But with decimated state budgets and an antiquated funding system that values big, flashy projects over repair and maintenance, finding the money is an uphill battle. And yet, at the five-year anniversary of the I-35W Bridge collapse, it’s critical that we figure out a way.

Here are my suggestions for infrastructure funding reforms.


自成立以来,作为联邦天然气税的一部分收集的资金已被用来建造和维修美国的道路。但是,多年来,州和联邦官员已经开始进入该锅,以资助其他与道路无关的较少关键的运输项目。新利18备用网址Politicians frequently use infrastructure funds on new 新利18备用网址projects that will help them get re-elected—a practice often referred to as “the politics of ribbon-cutting”—rather than on their state’s much-needed maintenance and repairs.

According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, the amount of money needed to fix and sustain our nation’s infrastructure exceeds $2 trillion. Finding the money will require the federal government to play an active role.


•要求承包商的真正固定价格合同。当新泽西州州长克里斯·克里斯蒂(Chris Christie)冻结计划在哈德逊河(Hudson River)下建造第二条铁路隧道时,他之所以这样做,是因为他担心这个昂贵的项目的潜在成本超支会转移给已经挣扎的纳税人。施工成本超支和错过项目截止日期,在公共部门和私营部门都经常困扰项目。新利18备用网址打击这些成本超支并保护国家预算和纳税人免受灾难的方式是要求真正的固定价格合同。


The right contract for any owner going into a project—be it public or private—is going to be one that offers a true fixed price. Securing true fixed-price contracts on infrastructure projects will require project architects and engineers to deliver construction documents for bidding that are fully detailed, complete in all respects and coordinated with each other.”
