不rway soars, Venezuela sinks in FM Global's supply-chain study.

Does your risk management strategy take into account the political stability and oil-shock resistance of the countries from which you receive supplies?

A保险公司FM Global的最新报告确定了公司供应链的最大风险,无论风险来自项目的位置还是供应商的位置。

在FM Global的2015年弹性指数中,挪威以人均国内生产总值的得分高得分,历史较低的自然危害和对良好腐败控制的看法。台湾从去年的第89位上升到今年的第37位。significant improvements in natural hazard risk management and fire risk management.


“Any company that has supply chain dependencies within countries that are listed in the Resilience Index may discover that they have some potential vulnerabilities in their supply chain that they were not aware of,” says Steven Zenofsky, a spokesman for FM Global.

“无论您是制造商,还是依靠来自这些国家 /地区的用品,还是向这些国家供应,这都是适用的。”

The FM Global index combines data on each included country's GDP per capita, oil consumption, World Bank World Governance Indicators and the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report. It also includes data about risk-quality drivers collected by FM Global's property risk engineers.

不rway has a considerable petroleum and petroleum products trade, which supports a strong economy and the world's largest sovereign wealth fund, specifically designed to protect the country from instability in the international petroleum economy.

台湾以其对自然灾害的敏感性而闻名,仅在2013年就经历了三场台风和两次地震。FM Global研究人员发现,其对自然危害风险改善的承诺的排名从2014年的最后一席之地增加到今年的109,跃升了21个位置。


挪威拥有长长的自然海岸线,台湾是一个岛屿,都将面临预计海平面的风险,这可能是由于全球气候变化而导致的。海平面上升的可能性并不能纳入FM Global指数。

提供重要建筑材料的国家的结果特别揭示。例如,如果钢铁产品来自加拿大,则代表不同的供应链风险,在FM Global报告中排名第八,或者来自排名第70的韩国。

Similarly, cement imports from China, the three regions of which rank 63, 64, and 69, appear favorably compared to imports from India, in 119th place, and Indonesia, ranked 106.


Anyone seeking lower fire risk for suppliers or projects, he says, should ask themselves, “How well protected is that business against fire? Does it have automatic fire sprinklers? What type of property protection practices does it have in place? How was the building constructed? I would suggest that, when you're evaluating your suppliers, that would be a core element of evaluating supply-chain resilience.”