科罗拉多州的专业承包商道格拉斯殖民地集团(Douglass Colony Group Inc.

"We do the basic box buildings, but really our niche is difficult work that takes more thought and engineering," says Steve Bechtholdt, Douglass Colony executive vice president and head of its metals division. "We do a lot of fabrication. We have a craft mentality when it's demanded and when someone can pay for it."

The Capitol project's general contractor, GH Phipps Construction Cos., Greenwood Village, Colo., hired Douglass Colony to repair or replace corroded components on the dome. Phipps has a long track record of working with the roofing company and appreciates the firm's willingness to collaborate and innovate.

菲普斯(Phipps)业务发展和前建筑服务副总裁加里·康斯(Gary Constant)说:“他们试图根据他们的经验以及建造建筑师所寻找的东西的能力来推荐更好的解决方案和细节。”“他们是一家致力于完成工作的机智的公司。”Constant在他的整个27年的建筑生涯中一直与道格拉斯殖民地合作。


道格拉斯(Douglass Colony)于1947年开始,伯爵·道格拉斯屋顶公司(Earl F. Douglass Roofing Co.和他的兄弟埃迪。道格拉斯屋顶成立了Colony Metal Inc.。1983年,是一家提供全方位服务的建筑金属系统业务。两家公司一直是姊妹公司,直到2009年初,运营合并为道格拉斯殖民地集团。今天的公司领导人包括史蒂夫的兄弟兼道格拉斯·殖民地总裁兼首席执行官罗伯特·“鲍勃”·贝索特(Robert“ Bob” Bechtholdt),负责监督屋面部门的帕特里克·帕特·沃拉奇(Patrick“ Pat” Wolach)。




道格拉斯(Douglass)殖民地项目的范围从历史性翻新到新利18备用网址世界上最先进的技术和可持续建筑,位于科罗拉多州的金色,是国家可再生能源实验室的校园。承包商为NREL的一些最绿色的结构提供了工作 - 研究支持设施,包括用于研究可再生能源和能源效率的主要实验室,以及能源系统集成设施,这是世界上最强大的超级计算机之一的所在地,也是其中之一。美国很少有兆瓦规模的能源测试设施

The contractor's work on the buildings ranged from installing passive solar wall units to designing, manufacturing and installing more than 8,000 Rheinzink wall tiles. Both projects earned LEED Platinum ratings and are among Colorado's first net-zero energy buildings.


Douglass Colony worked with general contractor JE Dunn Construction on the ESIF project, acting as a consultant early on and then installing roofing, balcony and water systems. "We brought Douglass Colony in to bounce ideas off during early programming. Everything you do at NREL, you have to do with a purpose," says Brady Mercer, a project manager for JE Dunn. "Douglass Colony put a lot of attention into quality."

Top-Down Green

The company has grown greener as well, making its sales staff LEED AP-certified to help customers get LEED ratings for projects or reduce their environmental footprint. Douglass Colony's headquarters office is LEED Silver rated and the first LEED-certified industrial building in Commerce City. The office's energy-saving aspects include sunscreens and a rooftop solar system.

其他主要项目包括处理甲板上的新利18备用网址水平防水,在14层楼的14层,LEED Gold Corporate Stormate The Davita Healthcare Partners Inc.的LEED Gold Corporate Inc.进行PVC-Memmbrane Roofing。达维塔(Davita)是该国最大的肾脏护理提供者之一。