AECOM Technology Corp.的丹佛办事处已在该地区的运输繁荣中刻出了一个主要的利基市场。这家跨学科咨询巨头最近完成了丹佛工会站(DUS)转换为区域性运输中心的5亿美元转型。杜斯(Dus)庆祝了五月的盛大开幕。

AECOM正在科罗拉多州奥罗拉(Aurora)的3.5亿美元I-225轻轨线路继续设计工作,这也由Kiewit作为区域运输区(RTD)的Fastracks计划的一部分建造。AECOM在工新利18备用网址作的前六个月中,AECOM副项目经理,I-225的项目经理Rick Romig说:“这些项目帮助我们在科罗拉多州建立了从40到100个大约100个项目。”他说:“这些工作吸引了来自全国各地的一些最好的[AECOM]。”

Transit work, along with ongoing design and program management for other clients, helped AECOM boost its 2013 regional revenue to $90.2 million, up from $69.8 million in 2012, earning it the top spot in this year's ranking of Colorado/Wyoming design firms.

AECOM西部地区业务线领导者斯科特·罗素(Scott Russell)说,该公司的投资组合“甚至在西部的公共和私人工作之间都相当分配,在山区的公共部门工作更加分裂”。该公司还是丹佛Stapleton邻里开发项目的主要景观设计师,在过去的10年中设计了游泳池,公园和街景。

Creating a Transit Hub

At Union Station, AECOM worked with Parsons Brinckerhoff on preliminary site engineering and was part of the master development team as the general architecture and engineering consultant responsible for all specs and plans for the new transit center. That included track design, power systems, traffic reconfiguration, communications, signals and geotechnical, civil and structural engineering.

Romig says AECOM collaborated with Kiewit to create some of the transit hub's most complex elements, using sophisticated modeling for the flow of people, buses, light rail, commuter trains, mall shuttles and cars in a tight, congested area. "We identified the hot spots," Romig says. "Then we had to reorient elevators, change doors and so on, to handle anticipated peak traffic loads."

"The station has a very tight right-of-way and a design that we've never done before," says Rick Clarke, assistant general manager for capital programs at RTD, a key member of the Union Station ownership team. "It was a challenging design, working with multiple stakeholders and a lot of adjacent development. AECOM brought a depth of talent to the project."


AECOM also leads engineering and architecture work for the 10.5-mile-long I-225 Light Rail design-build project on an accelerated schedule. Construction began in March 2013 and should finish next January.

The project includes some tricky train alignments and hydrology through a dense urban area. Trains will run alongside the freeway and adjacent to city streets, with one segment down the middle of Exposition Avenue. The team had to redesign a section of track near the Fitzsimons medical campus in Aurora because of concerns about the impact of train vibrations on sensitive equipment. Overall I-225 design began in September 2012 and is now about 90% complete, Romig says.


科罗拉多州运输部选择该公司作为投资组合管理,现金管理和计划管理承包商,以监督其负责任的维护和合作伙伴关系加速(RAMP)计划及其常规资本改进计划。合同价值约为9亿美元。AECOM区域运输业务发展经理Alan Eckman说:“我们正在帮助该机构更好地了解其整个计划,从现金流到预算,调度和交付。”