One day after Truland Group, the big Reston, Va.,-based electrical contractor, ceased operations on July 21, units of the company filed for protection from creditors in弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市的联邦破产法院。


到底有多少unfinished projects, stranded employees and surety bond claimsthe company leaves is unclear. Truland officials could not be reached for comment.


In 2010,Truland acquired Walker Seal Electric Co., Fairfax, Va.At that time, the company, in a statement, described Truland and Walker Seal as "key players in Washington, D.C.'s aviation and mass transit market for decades," including work at Washington's Dulles and National Airports.

克拉克建筑业在华盛顿特区 - 地区建筑项目上雇用了特拉兰德。新利18备用网址

克拉克首席执行官布莱恩·A·阿布特(Brian A.他说:“我们将与适当的担保人合作”,以使项目按计划进行。新利18备用网址

The same day that Truland units filed for bankruptcy protection, electrical workers' union Local 26, a local trust fund and a national trust fund filed petitions in bankruptcy court listing amounts that the company owes them.

Local 26 claimed it was owed about $232,000, and the Electrical Welfare Trust Fund and the National Electrical Benefit Fund of the National Electrical Contractors Association claimed they were owed another $305,000.