犹他州南约旦的肯尼科特土地公司(Kennecott Land Co.工作社区。

“Our goal is to take these lands when mining activity is complete and develop them into enduring communities,” says Ty McCutcheon, vice president of community development for Kennecott. “Despite challenging times these last few years, we have achieved quite a bit of success.”


McCutcheon says one reason for the company’s success is that “we began by asking people how they wanted to live and work. Through hundreds of conversations, we painted a picture that depicted a different option for people that wasn’t available in the marketplace. We have stuck to that vision over the last decade, and we are being rewarded for it.”




可持续发展一直是肯尼科特(Kennecott Land)做出决定的过滤器。麦卡乔恩说:“我们是可持续发展实践的全球领导者。”“我们通过我们想在黎明和所有社区中看到的一些关键基石来做到这一点。”

He says the six tenets to sustainability are safe and vibrant neighborhoods, a healthy and sustainable environment, lifelong learning opportunities, robust local economy, integration of natural and open spaces, and collaboration and active engagement among stakeholders.

Energy management is an important part of the Kennecott equation. “Clearly, going forward, energy continues to be a major issue,” McCutcheon says. “One thing we try to do is focus our development efforts around community and building design that reduce energy and water usage.”

Piper Rhodes, manager of sustainable development, health, safety and environment for Kennecott, says the firm operates under a master plan as well as a series of sustainable guidelines. She adds that Kennecott had those guidelines “before LEED and EPA’s Energy Star programs were well-known.” One of the first strategic decisions the company made when it decided to build its own buildings at Daybreak was to commit to LEED certification. One of the first buildings it built was a combination elementary school and community center, LEED-Silver-certified and Energy Star-rated.

McCutcheon说:“我们所有的商业项目均新利18备用网址建立在LEED-GOLD和-SILVER标准上,我们的公司中心是犹他州的第一座LEED-Platinum大楼。”肯尼科特(Kennecott Land)还拥有该州唯一获得LEED认证的配送中心。
