自1960年以来,位于犹他州奥格登的本·洛蒙德高中(Ben Lomond High School)一直是社区不可或缺的一部分,现在已经准备好了一个世纪。

总部位于盐湖城MHTN建筑师的首席执行官兼主要建筑师Dennis Cecchini表示,当项目团队为Ben Lomond制定重建计划时,该设计的主要重点是保持学校的身份。

The project, which began more than three years ago, is to redevelop the existing school, which was made up of several disconnected structures. Some of those have been relocated to make space for a new cafeteria, field house, vocational education building and classroom wings.

The classroom wings are connected by what Cecchini calls a “Main Street corridor.” Each academic wing has a computer technology center in the middle, surrounded by classrooms.

Because of the budget, MHTN’s architects had to be innovative in how they put together the design to stay within the budget. The design phase of the $37-million project took eight months.

Hughes General Contractors, North Salt Lake, Utah, is the general contractor, and construction is expected to complete in time 2010-11 academic year.


“The Main Street corridor and commons area with its multiple uses is both functional and beautiful, “Cecchini says. “It is the center point for the educational community.”

A new 498-seat cafeteria is also part of this commons area. Cecchini says the cafeteria is more like a sophisticated restaurant. It’s also a gathering place for students.

Before the new cafeteria was built, fewer than half the students stayed on campus during lunch, but Skyler Rubel, MHTN project manager, says three quarters of the students now stay on campus for the lunch hour.

This cafeteria is just one of the appealing public spaces to be added. “There is now going to be more public space that both the students and community will benefit from,” says Bruce Penland, executive director of secondary education and student services for Ogden School District.

This was the intent by design, to create areas that provide different functions, depending on the kind of space needed, without always using the auditorium, he adds.

Phased Construction

休斯总承包商项目经理吉恩·麦森(Gene Madsen)说,该项目分为阶段,因此建设不会取代学生。第一阶段由北侧的主要增加组成,第二阶段是南侧的增加,最后阶段是现有区域的主要内部翻新。


One thing that adds to the flow is the paint used on the older structures. Cecchini says the existing walls match the new ones exactly and “the old will be an integral part of the new.”