One of the most important pieces of information to anyone making a claim in court is the “statute of limitations” that applies to their particular claim. The statute of limitations period is the time during which a claim can be made in court and is imposed by law to avoid litigation of claims long after the acts in question occurred, when memories have faded and records have been destroyed or discarded. The importance of the statute of limitations cannot be understated because, as a general matter, if a party is too late in bringing its claim in court, it loses the right to make that claim forever.

罗伯特C. a member of the firm Meyer, Suozzi, English & Klein, P.C., in Garden City, New York, practicing construction law and litigation.


最近的案件由纽约州的最高法院纽约院举行决定,纽约城市过境管理局突出了建筑案件中涉及的一些限制复杂性的法规。在BloomingDales案例中,Nycta聘请了建筑承包商Janus,Inc。,在曼哈顿59日和第60街之间进行挖掘工作,作为纽约特项目的一部分。在该项目的工作过程中,1999年9月,Janus揭示了它的想法是一个不起作用的 - 或“死亡” - 水主要。因为它妨碍了Janus的工作,Janus削减了“死”主,并在其位置安装了混凝土封装的管道。

在雨天Janus把“死”的主要后,提单oomingdales’ nearby store flooded. More than two years after Janus did its work, in February 2002, Bloomingdales hired its own contractor to investigate the cause of the flood and to fix the problem. Bloomingdales’ contractor discovered that the “dead” water main that Janus cut was not a water main at all and was actually an active drainpipe for Bloomingdales’ store. It concluded that the cut drainpipe was the cause of the flood. Bloomingdales paid its contractor approximately $165,000 to replace the cut drainpipe and then, in January 2003, sued Janus and NYCTA for the cost of that work.

In response to the lawsuit, NYCTA argued that the case was late and had to be dismissed. The court agreed. The court found that the statute of limitations period began to run when Janus cut the drainpipe in 1999. It continued that, because a special one year and 90 day statute of limitations applied to the public agency, NYCTA, and its contractors, Bloomingdales had to bring its case within a year and 90 days of September 1999 to be within the statute of limitations. Therefore, Bloomingdales’ case, which it started in January 2003, was late.



罗伯特C. a member of the firm Meyer, Suozzi, English & Klein, P.C., in Garden City, New York, practicing construction law and litigation.