

Industry Optimism Finally Improves

What is the CICI?

本季度,32%的受访者说,马克t continues to decline, down from 45% in last quarter’s survey and 63% in the third quarter of 2010. However, respondents who believe the markets will be improving three to six months from now outnumber those who believe market declines will continue by a 25% to 21% margin.



Sectors With Improved CICI Ranking
The strongest markets were in the power sector (a CICI rating of 71), and the industrial and manufacturing sector (66). Other building sectors with improved rankings include:

  • 零售(42)
  • Hospitals and heath care (67)
  • 分销和仓库(47)
  • Hotels and hospitality (46)
  • 娱乐(44)
  • 多单元住宅(55)


The growing feeling that the slide in the privately financed project market may be easing suggests the credit crunch may be ending. While 27.6% of respondents said they believed client access to credit continues to be a problem, 51.8% said the availability of credit has stabilized, albeit at a low level, and 20.7% said credit restrictions are beginning to ease.

This drop in confidence is evidence of state and local government budget deficits around the country. Many respondents say state and local agency budget deficits have affected project starts, with 35.2% saying that publicly funded project starts were off by up to 10%; meanwhile, 24.3% said publicly funded project starts were off by more than 10%. Only 8.7% say that public projects starts were up during the last six months.

A major bright spot revealed by the survey is that 37% of the firms indicated that they plan to add to staff in 2011, while only 16.1% say that they are contemplating additional staff reductions. This is a major change from the previous three years, which has seen construction layoffs result in an industry-wide unemployment rate of over 20%.
The survey also asked what qualities or experience firms were looking for in new hires:

  • 70家公司提到了建立信息建模的经验。
  • 60家公司提到了估计技能。
  • 59家公司引用了项目管理经验。
  • Experience with green building techniques and LEED compliance was mentioned by nearly 50 firms.

Materials prices also are a concern to the CICI survey respondents. This quarter, 80.3% of respondents said they saw some price pressure on materials and equipment. Of the 439 executives that said specific materials were on the rise, steel was mentioned by 242, while copper was mentioned 159 times. Fuel and petroleum products were mentioned by nearly 150 survey participants