

全球建筑新利18备用行业信心指数(CI)CI) for the first quarter of 2010 shows that executives from 705 construction and design firms are not confident the recession will end in 2010 but that recovery will commence a slow and steady climb this year and into 2011. The index for the first quarter of 2010 rose to 34 on a scale of 100. This is a three-point increase from the previous quarter’s level of 31 and a nine-point increase over the CICI for the first quarter of 2009.


Of the 705 companies responding this quarter, 68% say the current market is declining, 26% believe it has stabilized, and only 5% believe it is improving. Design firms are somewhat more optimistic of a quicker recovery than their contractor peers(请参阅图表)。


参与者对商业办公室市场(20评级)最有信心,其次是酒店,酒店和零售业(均为21岁),娱乐(24)以及分销和仓库(26)。Multiunit Residential升至31,工业和制造业为38。


最新的Confindex调查与新泽西州普林斯顿建筑金融管理协会发布的最新Confindex调查相似,该集团将与总承包商,分包商以及重型和民事建筑公司进行调查。CFMA总裁兼首席执行官彼得·施瓦茨(Peter Schwartz)说:“我们的Confindex从2010年第一季度的90升至101。”

CFMA的索引基于200个量表,100 ...