在USGBC LEED认证方面,俄勒冈州和华盛顿是该地区对环境的奉献精神的前三个州之一。长期以来,LEED认证一直是建筑物对可持续性承诺的象征,更不用说满足需要合规性的当地法规的手段,例如西雅图于2000年制定的西雅图的可持续建筑政策。

加利福尼亚州拉霍亚(La Jolla)的商业综合体Aventine的房地产经理使用能源之星评估能源使用情况,揭示了对HVAC系统的升级将导致大量的能源节省,以最少的投资。照片:最佳能源
加利福尼亚州拉霍亚(La Jolla)的商业综合体Aventine的房地产经理使用能源之星评估能源使用情况,揭示了对HVAC系统的升级将导致大量的能源节省,以最少的投资。


The Aventine complex, owned and operated by Glenborough, LLC, is a case in point. The facility’s property management team used ENERGY STAR, the EPA’s benchmarking tool program, to assess energy usage and identify areas for improvement. Realizing that substantial cost and energy-consumption savings could be realized by retrofitting their building with green technologies, the engineering team took on the task of lowering the facility’s operating costs.

Upgrading a Classic

Built 20 years previously, the Aventine is a landmark development in La Jolla, Calif., designed by Michael Graves & Associates. After high-efficiency light fixtures and lighting-control systems were installed, a feasibility study revealed that upgrades to the facility’s HVAC system would result in significant energy savings with minimal capital investment. As a result, the decision was made to convert the HVAC system to a primary only, all-variable-speed plant using the existing two McQuay centrifugal chillers, and install OptimumHVAC™ optimization software.

在短短几个月内,冷却器植物改造以及OptimumHVAC软件的安装完成。Optimum Energy的OptimumHVAC软件套件为配备离心机厂和/或可变空气量空气处理系统的设施提供了持续的调试。OptimumHVAC会使用专利的,关系控制算法自动优化整个HVAC系统(包括冷水机,泵,风扇和空气处理单元)。到2008年初,Aventine的冷却器植物系统的性能得到了改善,该设施的能源使用降低了。


ENERGY STAR is one of the measurements used to earn Energy & Atmosphere Credit 1 (EA Credit 1) points within LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance. The Aventine set its sights on earning the highest ENERGY STAR rating so that it would qualify for the maximum number of EA 1 points, and help in its bid to become LEED Platinum certified. As a result of the HVAC plant retrofit and use of OptimumHVAC software, Aventine’s 2008 ENERGY STAR rating was 100, a 15 point increase from its rating of 85 in 2007.

Results that Last

In the first year after upgrading its HVAC chiller plant, The Aventine reduced its energy consumption by 45%. That was right in line with expectations, as the use of OptimumHVAC software typically results in 30% to 60% reductions in commercial building HVAC energy use without sacrificing occupant comfort. In the first year, The Aventine saved 500,000 kWh of electricity, reduced operating costs by more than $80,000, decreased carbon emissions by 600,000 lbs, and improved the HVAC plant’s wire-to-water kW/ton by 45%. The Aventine also received a utility rebate of $105,000, putting the facility in a good position to realize its projected three-year return on investment.

阿文丁山是ensur的另一个重要目标e the savings are maintained over time, and with OptimumHVAC’s Performance Assurance services, they track energy use and HVAC performance 24/7 via a secure Web site. In addition, OptimumHVAC Performance Assurance provides measurement and validation, and tracks energy and carbon emissions savings, helping to satisfy requirements for corrective action response, performance measurement and emissions reduction reporting required by certification programs such as LEED.

格伦伯勒工程总监卡洛斯·桑塔马里亚(Carlos Santamaria)说:“达到20多年的建筑物的能量明星评级为100。”“ OptimumHVAC的安装正在节省我们的资金,并更好地定位Aventine在追求LEED铂金认证时。”

CSDP B.E.P. Nathan Rothman是Optimum Energy,LLC的创始人兼首席执行官。访问公司的网站www.optimumenergyHVAC.com