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In reality, our mistake is that, in general, we condescend to those who live as unskilled and low-skilled workers and admit too few of them on temporary work visas, with a chance to become citizens. Too few movers, gardeners, elder-care workers, dishwashers, tomato pickers, hotel housekeepers and new construction laborers. This refusal to legally process and admit more low-skilled and unskilled workers is a self-inflicted economic wound and moral disgrace.


这是中产阶级的亵渎,要求对手推车供应商和博士进行平等的待遇,但这是一个很好的政策。学者迈克尔·克莱门斯(Michael Clemens)在2013年在《外交政策》杂志网站上写道,他说,移民改革的努力未能满足更多非熟练工人的需求。从美国雇主的基本劳动需求开始,这使得变得更加灵活,这不太可能。”

with such apparent disdain for less-skilled labor, what message do we send the world? Instead of bringing in this labor force through legal channels, we force employers and immigrants to work in an illegal black market.

So that you know my potential biases, my mother, the former Allegra Zacharia, entered the U.S. from Greece in 1948. She worked her way up the ladder of New York City's garment industry and sewed our family into the city's middle-class suburbs. How many other immigrants over the years have stitched dresses or mopped floors so their families, whether here or in another country, could sleep under a better roof or attend a better school?

'Selling' Immigration

这正是美国移民法律现在回避的类型。我们移民法的关键部分仍然围绕着我们只承认拥有教育和培训“人力资本”的人的观念。大众移民评论家马克·克里科利安(Mark Krikorian)将走得更远。他说,美国应该将临时工作签证主要授予“真正的爱因斯坦”。

To sell immigration to the U.S. public, Congress has put out, since 1952, a "help wanted" sign for immigrants with master's degrees, money or artistic distinction. As a result, we get software-savvy engineers from Bangalore and deep-pocketed parvenus from Beijing.

每个是的美国储备大约80000工作签证r for "persons of extraordinary ability" in the arts, sciences, education, business, athletics and academics. It favors those with ability in international business, advanced professional degrees or a couple of years of training for skilled work.

Another 40,000 visas are available to skilled workers with at least two years of training or some college. Ten thousand more visas are available to persons who will invest at least $500,000 in job-creating enterprises.

By stacking the deck to benefit those with education and money, our lawmakers conjure the image of guest workers and possible future U.S. citizens who are young, technologically astute and employer-friendly. Dirty jobs don't count for much.


In other countries with similar systems that rely on immigrant workers, women also lose, having less education and fewer work credentials, according to the American Immigration Council. The middle-aged, elderly and anyone from a less-developed country are marginalized, too.

The best alternative is to reward work-related immigrants of all skill levels with visas and a chance for citizenship, meeting the gaping need for more low-skilled workers in the U.S. and ending the race, class and gender bias in immigration law.


Richard Korman is deputy editor of ENR and editor of the ENR RiskReview. He can be reached at