去年的能源市场像被佛罗里达污水坑吞噬一样,而穆迪投资者服务的报告says the oil and gas price outlook will remain negative until well into 2016. While engineers and contractors serving the energy industry wait for the market’s mojo to come back, they need to find work, not just to save their companies today but to ensure that their workforce keeps its edge to be prepared when the market returns.

即使在这样的下降市场中,也有明亮的景点,例如烧毁的森林中的绿色芽。E&C想知道他们的下一份合同来自何处需要看起来更聪明,而不是更难。技术进步有助于营造市场正在窒息的大胆,但其他技术进步正在为E&C创造机会在整个过程中保持参与度。例如,美国储能市场在2015年第2季度的两年半中的最佳季度,当时已部署了40.7兆瓦的存储空间。GTM研究与能源储能协会。Plug-in电动汽车will drive another growth market:EV charging stations。在五月,Navigant Research reported2014年北美的PEV销售额超过133,000,并预测,仅美国PEV销售额将在2024年每年860,000至120万之间。

The bulk of the Q2 energy storage growth consisted in the interconnection of a 31.5-MW project in the PJM region. One of the principal drivers of energy storage demand is the growth of wind and solar installations, which require either spinning reserves such as gas-turbine plants orlarge-scale storage。Tesla Motors’ battery gigafactory is one construction-related result of this trend. In Pennsylvania, Beacon Power LLC’s new flywheel plant provides 20 MW of frequency regulation to PJM Interconnection. And in 2013, the California Public Utilities Commission ordered the state’s three investor-owned utilities to procure 1,325 MW of energy storage by 2020 and complete installations by 2024. The utilities are now acquiring the requisite storage.

The 31.5-MW PJM project and Duke Energy’s 36-MWNotrees电池存储项目突出了两个趋势,这些趋势可能暗示了能源建设市场未来的指示。一种趋势是为可再生能源市场服务的存储增长。杜克(Duke)为德克萨斯州153兆瓦的首发风电场建造了电池存储,其中2200万美元的联邦匹配资金旨在增强可再生能源与存储的整合方面的专业知识,从而促进了这两种技术的进一步扩展。另一个趋势是存储的位置:公用事业规模(前仪)细分市场占Q2总部署的87%。自2013年第1季度以来PJM互连,不包括新泽西,deployed 100.2 MW of energy storage; California, with 23.7 MW for the period, is a distant second, but both far outstrip the rest of the country, where just 8.7 MW of storage has been deployed.


汤姆·阿米斯特(Tom Armist新利18备用ead)担任ENR的能源编辑已有12年了,现在是Enr Energy Enewsletter的咨询编辑。