This issue of ENR showcases the winners of our 12th annual Year in Construction photo contest. We are delighted to share the results. Delivering the contest winners is like building a fine watch for five months by selecting just 38 pieces from 1,564 parts. We are indebted to this year' judges for crafting this outstanding result.

We seat new judges every year to gain fresh eyes. And we seek expertise from inside and outside the ENR staff. The judges have one marathon session in December to see all the entries and rank them for attractiveness, interest and impact. The top-scoring photos start on p. 28 and can be viewed in a gallery on Runners-up also are showcased in a separate gallery there.

This year's panel included Michael Falco, a widely published photographer who has shot covers for ENR and published two books of his work. Falco was a "technical" judge at first, explaining techniques used in some of the more complex shots, but he grew more invested in championing winners as the field was narrowed down. "The images were quite impressive—inspiring actually," Falco says. "The quality of work, and especially the various projects depicted, could make even a professional jealous."

负责审判的Enr多媒体编辑新利18备用卢克·阿巴菲(Luke Abaffy)谈到了解决的困难。“当我们坐在黑暗的房间里看预计的图像时,我们几乎进入了一个tr。没有人在说话,简单的声音表明是yay或否。花了四回合来抢购获奖者和亚军。我们都希望它们全部赢。”

纽约州布鲁克林的亨特建筑集团巴克莱中心项目的现场安全经理Sam Laforte是安全专家,旨在使法官避免庆祝不安全条件的图像。Enr Enn编辑的商业和新利18备用管理编辑Debra Rubin提供了Enn Insider的眼睛,但即使她在Enr上看到如此众多的施工照片的她也称赞了“表现出“惊人的工作和创造力”,并描绘了一个不寻常的十字架世界各地的建筑部分。

Another invited judge, William Taylor, director of creative services for McGraw-Hill Construction, says the experience "was a special privilege, providing unique insight into the industry." He found that the time flew thanks to "the quality of the images and the fascinating content." Because the panel included graphics, photography, editorial and safety professionals, he says, "the winning selections had to ring the bell" on many levels.